Is Trump the USA Vector 1?
Is Trump doing his utmost to spread infections in America? This article started out elaborating on the lack of healthcare for 44 million people. This includes the 11 million undocumented immigrants, who are afraid of seeking healthcare because ICE may deport them. But Trump’s infection will spread through the lack or decline of other health related federal programs. It is in the decrease in those covered by food stamps. It is his removal of Michelle Obama’s healthy school cafeteria lunches. It is inadequate funds for the homeless, ending up with rats in trash, that may carry typhus and other diseases. Trump has cut aid to most of the foreign nations that needed it for fighting endemic diseases, thus spreading his infection internationally.
Update: Coincidentally, Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal 2021 just came out. Trump proposes removing a half a trillion dollars from Medicare over ten years. This includes $135 billion from prescription drugs, without any achieved cost reduction yet. He would also cut $920 billion from Medicaid. He wants to cut $181 billion from food stamps, and a quarter of the of the EPA’s budget. Trump would reduce the fiscal 2021 budget for global health by $39 million, but add $50 million for global health security, which is pandemics. Peanuts! Trump’s budget would reduce the NIH budget by $3 billion, to $38 billion. There is nothing to reduce 40,000 gun related deaths a year that I have seen mentioned yet.
Update: In global health, Trump is cutting over $3 billion. There is a 34% cut to the State Department and USAID’s global health funding, and a 7% cut to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He proposes a 58% cut to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and a 50% cut in US funding to WHO. To look good at fighting the Coronavirus, there is a meager $50 million for a USAID Global Health Security programs, and $15 million for USAID Global Health Security programs to target the virus. Sanjay Gupta is on CNN now to say that Trump is wrong when he expects warm weather to end the virus. According to the CDC, people who are still not showing symptoms can spread the virus. It may become a yearly thing, and hopefully we can develop a vacccine.
Trump’s diseases progress through his 16 thousand lies, which spread through the vulnerable like zombie doctrines. People cannot act correctly on misguided information. Let’s start with his debate claim that vaccines could cause childhood autism. Then there is awarding the Presidential Medal of Honor to Rush Limbaugh, who claimed that people could not get cancer from second hand smoke, and that regular smoking would take fifty years to develop into cancer. Sen. Lindsey Graham is Vector #2 of Trump’s lies. Trump has infected Rudy Giuliani, but Attorney General William Barr just said that he is quarantining Rudy from spreading information from “the Ukraine” to the DOJ. Barr just twice failed Secretary Pompeo’s Ukraine test, since the country is simply called “Ukraine”.
Trump, with his 65 million plus Twitter followers, it the prime violator of the First Lady’s BE BEST anti-bullying campaign. His example of calling his opponents insulting names and attributions, such as communist, has sunk the dignity of the Office of the President. He also retweeted a claimed whistleblower’s name, violating the protection of the whistleblower act. Trumps gutter pronouncements have spread his mental disorder related to “Tourette syndrome” throughout social media.
Finally, Trump acts as Vector 1 in his own public life. In this article, we mainly deal with that one.
Trump spoke with a low voice in his denunciation of prayers in the annual Prayer Breakfast, signifying a cold, or maybe the flu. But he did not wear a mask. Later, in his Victory Address, he tied specific Republican Senators and Representatives and his lawyers to his Acquittal Victory, infecting their records for all of history. During this talk, he snorted up mucus before every sentence. Again, he didn’t mask himself in front of the closely packed and trapped audience. Nor did he prewarn them to wear masks. Nor did he stay home when he was sick. I now know why Trump sits far away from visiting Presidents: so that they cannot shake his hand. He does shake hands at the very end, just as he heads out for the hand sanitizer. So much for the germaphobe President. With Trump, it only works one way.
Who is seen sitting across the table, directly in front of Chinese trade talk representatives? Trump, of course. This, during the months when the Coronavirus was most virulent, but still undeclared by the Chinese government. Again, nobody wore masks, but the CIA and Secret Service must have known what was going on in Wuhan. So they must have known that there was a probability that Trump could have been exposed to the new virus.
Instead of remaining in Washington, D.C., where Trump’s virus could be contained, he then flies to Wisconsin to speak to a giant gathering, spreading his cold or flu half way across the continent. Since the President, as a Demi-God, can never be sick, we will never know what he has sown.
All of these singular actions each make Trump “Vector 1”.