Trump’s China Shading

Trump’s China Shading

Trump and the task force crowding around him, with him breathing over their shoulders, are now firing on all cylinders, with many promises.  At the one time that he has acted Presidential, he couldn’t help but ruin it by shading China with the name “Chinese Virus”.  The Dog Whistler in Chief knows the effect which that will have on Chinese Americans, and also on Asian Americans, and on the Chinese students who are our guests.  This was after all how he started his campaign, shading Latinos, and how he began his Presidency, baring Muslims.  Peter Navarro and Stephen Miller are two of his aids who have lasted the longest, who have been anti-China, and anti-immigrant, respectively.

This blaming struck home.  In the 1347 Black Death, thousands of Jews were killed and entire communities wiped out because they were blamed for it.  I won’t elaborate, but Wikipedia has a sad detailed article about this.  Trump has a partly Jewish family, who know this history.  Trump and the Republican’s leading donor is Jewish Sheldon Adelson, who also runs casinos in Macau.  Trump yearly is invited to speak at AIPAC, America’s Pro-Israel Lobby.  Trump invites Israel Premier Netanyahu to campaign for him at election times.  They all know this history.  Many Jewish organizations are calling Trump out on this, as well as all of the TV stations and News organizations which I read.   He is now asked about this at every news conference.

There are 360,000 students from China in the US.  They make up 1/3 of international students.  There are 5.1 million Chinese-Americans in the US.  They make up 26% of all Asian-Americans, who are also slandered by shading China.  Half of them live in California and New York.  

It’s one thing if Trump is personally a racist.  But it’s a reflection on America and all Americans when he repeatedly and brazenly does this from the Presidential Podium. 

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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