March 27. The US Passes a Hundred Thousand Coronavirus Cases
Trump promises 100,000 ventilators in 100 days. Sanjay Gupta: have to tool up, many may not come until later in the 100 days.
Trump has dispute with New York Gov. Cuomo over how many sent. Gov. Cuomo knows that the US has given him 4,000 ventilators. He has also obtained some privately. Has 40,000 patients in hospital today. Worried about peak where state has 140,000 patients. Surgeon general says it won’t be that bad.
Trump shades Washington Gov. Inslee and Michigan’s woman Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Los Angeles cases tripled in three days? Trump activates Defense Production Act to deal with General Motors production of ventilators. GM claims it is working around the clock to gear up for this, and will make them at cost.
National Geographic has a free Coronavirus issue. Shows many cities in 1918 flu. A late start was bad. But even if leveled, if relaxed restrictions, then the flu came back again. States around New York and on East coast are sending fleeing New Yorkers back or quarantining them for 14 days. Sanjay Gupta said that people should stay home.
Another free hour of Trump self praising himself. Now rated 52% approval.
Italy average death age 78. Average of conditions of the dying is 2.7.
I have focused on cases, because focusing on deaths is just too depressing. I also concentrated on the US and locally, because the world data are also depressing. Now, the US and local data are getting depressing. But this is living through history, as distinct as the 1918 flu. It will totally disrupt our society. It is just the opposite of dealing with the multidecade problems of climate change.
In Lousiana, of those who died, 41% had diabetes, 31% had kidney disease, 28% were obese. They are short of PPE, personal protection equipment, and ventilators.
The County of Orange is now reporting cases in cities of population over 25,000. However, this doesn’t include Laguna Beach, which is just at that, or the retirement community of Laguna Woods.
I get like 10 daily reports on the Coronavirus from publications which I signed up for. Clearly, I don’t have enough time to read most of them, nor do I have to repeat them. Watching CNN, the Met Opera, TV shows and movies, and occasional OLLI lectures, and looking at all my science and news pubs keep me busy. Pretty much life as usual, but a lot less driving.
Here is the table of today’s Domains, Cases, and Percent Increase.
Domain | Cases | Percent Increase |
US | 104,007 | 21.4% |
NY | 46,016 | 17.6% |
NJ | 8,825 | 28.3% |
CA | 4,714 | 16.9% |
WA | 3,723 | 16.1% |
MI | 3,634 | 27.8% |
MA | 3,240 | 34.1% |
FL | 3,198 | 28.7% |
IL | 3,024 | 19.0% |
LA | 2,744 | 19.1% |
PA | 2,345 | 30.6% |
GA | 2,000 | 32.9% |
TX | 1,949 | 18.0% |
CO | 1,738 | 21.5% |
TN | 1,318 | 20.1% |
CT | 1,291 | 27.6% |
OH | 1,139 | 30.9% |
IN | 979 | 51.8% |
WI | 926 | 27.2% |
Canada | 4,749 | 17.4% |
Mexico | 585 | 23.2% |
Brazil | 3,417 | 14.5% |
Los Angeles County | 1,465 | 19.2% |
Orange County | 321 | 25.4% |
The good news is that the US and New York growth slowed down. The NY growth leads to doubling after 4 days, which is what Gov. Cuomo said this morning. The US growth doubles in a little less than four days. Indiana had a terrible day. California, Washington, and Los Angeles County are down in the doubling in 4 day rate. Orange County reduced to a three day doubling from a higher rate yesterday. Brazil was on as a test of Bolsonaro’s insincerity, but the news says that the Favela gangs are enforcing a stay at home curfew at night.
Of the 321 Orange County, CA, cases, 34 have an unknown location, and 27 are in other cities than those listed. The cities with the most cases are: Irvine, 33; Newport Beach, 32; Anaheim, 28; Huntington Beach, 26; and Santa Ana, 13.