Trump and Barr Destroy Law and Order

Update, June 4.  I am really impressed by the peacefulness and sincerity of the demonstrations in every community.  While I was skeptical that there would be positive action by our federal administration, I see that many local and state governments are making positive reform plans for police and in social reforms.  It is sad that the pandemic has lowered state funding for schools, and making efforts at equal education even more difficult, especially as schools stay in a necessary remote form.  Los Angeles had an enormous demonstration, and Gov. Newsom made serious pledges of review and action.

Update:  Good to hear from a sensible and experienced President Obama, again.  He stressed that local mayors should follow the recommendations to reform their police departments, and report on them to their communities.

Update:  June 3.  George Floyd’s murderer had his charges increased to murder in the second degree.  The other three officers were finally charged with aiding and abetting a second degree murder, and are being taken into custody.

Update:  Trump doubled down despite criticism about his St. John’s Episcopal Church photo-op yesterday, and today appeared at the St. John Paul II National Shrine for another photo-op.  He was criticized by Washington’s Roman Catholic Archbishop.

The first Amendment to the Constitution:  Congress shall make no law … abridging the … right of the people peaceably to assemble ..

The Presidential Oath of Office:  “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.  Trump swore to this on the Lincoln Bible and his own bible.  The Lincoln bible, of President Lincoln, who freed the slaves.

Trump tear gassed, flash bombed, rubber bulleted, and violently pushed around the thousand peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Square, across from the back of the White House, in order to walk to St. John’s Church for a photo-op.

(Personal connection:  the last time I toured Washington, DC, I sat on a bench in Lafayette Square, alone in the park, and played the old protest songs on my Ocarina.  Pretty sure I was being listened to by the secret service.)  Overnight, they have put up an 8 foot fence around the park.

While Trump chases blame for the Coronavirus back to day one in China, Trump forgets that he and AG Jeff Sessions in 2017 cut out the Obama Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS program, which investigates and publicizes the shortcomings of police departments.  This could have uncovered the string of bad behaviors by the policeman who choked George Floyd.  Of course, Attorney General Barr could resolve the demonstrations by simply filing federal charges against the three unindited police officers in the murder of Mr. Floyd.

Trump capitalizes on fear.

Trump’s runs again on Law and Order.  But his actions today were not lawful or a normal order.

Trump reacted when the news pointed out that he went down to the cellar bunker.  (What is it with Republicans decrying basements?)

Trump thoughts:  this isn’t yet about me.  How can I make this about me?

Trump thinks:  How can I best stir up the demonstrators to drive my people against them?

Trump:  the nation insurrected.  The Nation:  no, you insurrected.

Coincidentally, I had just renewed my membership in the ACLU.

Do tanks and national guard troops really help defuse the situation?

Trump stood in from of the closed church, and the bishop decried him.  

Why did Trump do this?  CNN points out that from March to April, Trump’s favorability among religious groups have dropped:  11% in White Evangelicals, 12% in White Catholics, and 18% in White Mainline Protestants.

Of course, in the “Donald Trump Rules the World” Daily TV Soap and HCQN Opera, Trump has to make the sympathetic George Floyd murder protests by tens of thousands about himself.

Trump said he was defending the second Amendment, but what right wing militias really fear is a federal government takeover, as Trump is threatening.  

So many times Trump has gone bonkers, but his time, he has gone overboard (as we have said each time he has done so).  In a talk to all governors, he proposed a 10 year sentence to the demonstrators.  He also said they should punish burning the flag, although the Supreme Court has determined that that is a valid form of protest.

On CNN:  Catholic Father Edward Beck:  Jesus was a non-violent protester. 

It is sad to see gangs of organized arsonists and looters in several cities.  I think the police tactics of concentrating on the peaceful demonstrations and neglecting break-in alarms is costly.  However, a few policemen challenging a large number of looters is very risky, and they are not allowed to shoot.

The looting in many cities comes at a crucial time for the businesses to reopen and reestablish their business.  It also means that people can go back to work.  This is being stopped by the looting or the threat of looting.  This disadvantages brick and mortar stores over web stores.  If the demonstrators just used parks, or controlled and planned marches, the police would be free to concentrate on looters.  This would help the demonstrators getting across their message.  It would also help if the demonstrators obeyed the curfews.

In order to challenge the looters, the police need fast and flexible anti-looting tactics, as well as distribution in force, to protect each other.  Practically, I think they need nets that they can fire from air guns that fire T-shirts or tennis balls.

A lot of the looters smash and grab is going to give them apparel which won’t fit them.  They will have to risk going trough a fence to even get some small value from their looting.  In the end, they will realize that it is not worth the risk.  They are taking advantage that they can go about with masks, and wear their hoods.  But their duffel bags are a dead giveaway.

The deployment of the National Guard also takes young people away from their jobs or restarting their jobs, and slows the economic recovery.

A lot of the demonstrators are wearing masks, and they are outside, which diverts transmission.  However, masks are not perfect, especially when people are yelling or chanting.  So there could be some spreading.

At the formation of our nation, the President was forbidden from sending troops into the states without their permission.  Is this a rehearsal for correcting an “illegal” election in November, perhaps by seizing mail-in ballots?  Trump has told governors that if they do not end mail-ins, that he would take charge!


About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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