The Bonfire of the Trump Vanities
While capturing headlines with the greatest election fraud ever of declaring himself the winner, and then inciting the successful invasion and terrorization of the Congress, Trump and his minions have been carrying out a scorched earth policy on the protections of the US government.
Secretary of State Pompeo has ruined relations with Iran, China, Cuba, and Yemen, putting spikes in the road for the Biden administration foreign policy. Update: just before leaving office, China was declared as conducting a genocide with the Uighurs, which will complicate Biden’s relations with China.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Azar has abolished FDA regulations after ten years, and taken away their oversight of medical equipment. The press also revealed the hoax of there being any second shot backups of the released Covid-19 vaccines. The lack of genetic testing has allowed several new variants to spread, and they will increase transmission and possibly require new vaccines.
There have also been after-election obstacles created to carrying out restrictions on carbon dioxide and methane pollution sources. Last year was almost tied for the hottest year on record.
Of course, Trump’s hypocritical appointments of three young Supreme Court Justices vetted to reestablish the mores of 1789 will set back social progress achieved by the present generations and the next two generations. I type this while watching the memorial concert for the Reverend Martin Luther King by the Cleveland Orchestra, with tapes of his most remembered speeches. The Trump administration has just put out a “1776” commission curricula which fails to condemn the institution of slavery at the founding of our nation. It was written by conservatives, but no historians. Update January 20: President Biden just rescinded this commission.
Trump’s most costly after-election punishment to the American People has been his criminal negligence in abandoning the battle of the Coronavirus, of which he has done more to encourage and practice the flouting of the required social distancing and masking.
It is now being revealed that people from the President’s campaign staff were involved in organizing the Washington January 6 rally to protest the election result, which was turned into the violent invasion of the Congress. Not only the Coronavirus was cutting the crowd for the inauguration, but Trump’s encourage of extremism has removed the dignity and protection of our Congressional members for the inauguration and the years to come.
Trump is known for destroying the records and computers of his businesses every two years, so that there could never be any investigations in the many legal suits that he has faced. I fear that when Biden enters the White House, and even in his Cabinet agencies, that there will be no computers with any records or documents, and no instructions on priorities or description of works in progress. The bonfires of the transition.
There have been almost no transition meetings in the 70 days since the election. Even in the most common jobs, outgoing employees are tasked to leave detailed manuals of what procedures, projects, and records that there are. Nobody has reported on any of this. The new leaders will have to rely on professional agency employees, some of whose positions have also been interrupted and moved. In other words, the worst transition in history, another Trump first.
Republicans in the Senate will actually have to read legislation and compromise in committee meetings and hearings to get a say in legislation, since Mitch McConnell can no longer block consideration of House passed legislation.
Everybody expects that even the embarrassed past-president Trump still will be setting bonfires, since 75% of Republicans still believe the best con ever, that he won the election.
While Trump considers all of these concerns as vanities, these are essential to the progress of America.