June 5, The Return of the Trump to His Trumpican Party

June 5, the Return of the Trump to His Trumpican Party

Life has been so peaceful, truthful, and progressive since January 20th.  It was shocking to watch Trump’s speech to the Republican Convention of North Carolina, and the return of the thousand lies.  While we don’t have to suffer like before because then it was our President speaking, and actions could follow, this time it was just a blowhard speaking.  Yet I still have comments.  First of all, the speech was so comprehensive, that I don’t have to watch any more of his speeches.  Whew!  The farce began with Trump being introduced as “Our President”.

He spent most of the time praising himself, and showing little caring for the people, in contrast to President Biden.  I think his biggest applause was for his tax cut, since this audience was the wealthy party donors and leaders.

A big surprise was that Eric Trump’s wife, Laura, was not going to run for the Senate from North Carolina.  That must be a story in itself.  Yes, she was born in the state, but I don’t think that they live there.  However, Trump followed that by handpicking an admittedly little known Trump Obsequion to run for Senator, and warning, or threatening, any other North Carolinian from running against him.  After all of the musical introduction about Freedom, I can imagine the consternation of the lifelong political elite of North Carolina being dictated to about who their next Senator would be, by a man who had only ever spent a few hours in their state.  Trump was careful to say that they should not pick a two time loser, probably thinking that he still wanted them to vote for him, a one time loser.

The only half of a good thing that Trump said in the whole speech was that the vaccines were good, and of course he took full credit for them, although he had not bought enough for all Americans.  It was only half good, because Trump did not follow that with a simple statement to his vast audience of followers, to actually get vaccinated themselves.

Trump again repeated over and over his racist rant against asylum seekers from Central America, accusing them of all sorts of crimes, which have been debunked since day 1.  And again, he ranted against the ‘China Virus’ stating incorrectly that it had been shown to have come from their Wuhan Lab.  He said that China should be sued for 7 or 8 trillion dollars for the damage that the Coronavirus has done.  That is clearly libelous.

But how much should we then sue Trump and his group of pharmaceutical industry aides for their incompetence in dealing with the virus in the US?  This inspired me to look up what the IHME model of my other articles said about what the true Coronavirus deaths were in the US when Trump left office on January 20th.  They are quoted as the 417,000 certified deaths then.  But the IHME model says that the true number was 636,000, which is 219,000 more deaths, or 53% more.

Trump claimed that his endorsements miss getting his choices elected only one out of a hundred, or make that two out of a hundred.  Except for Trump lavishly endorsing himself for hours every day, only to lose one out of two times for President.  Trump also lost the House and the Senate.

Trump repeated his falsehoods about the election, and endorsed every restriction on voting that had been proposed, including only same day voting, and same day counting.  And no drop boxes.  And proof of citizenship.  Really, only young people who still have their birth certificates, and recently sworn in immigrants, still have such proof laying around.  And neither vote for Trump much.  Trump and Melania usually only vote by absentee ballot, but now one will need a valid excuse to get an absentee ballot.  The crushing of all avenues of aiding minorities in voting or getting to the polls is undoubtedly the most racist of Trump’s policies.

Just as Trump spent months preparing us for his election loss in 2020 by claiming that the election would be rigged, he spent some of his speech ranting against New York prosecutors investigating him, as if he knew for sure they had found things or would find them.  While supporting and praising law enforcement elsewhere, these guys were purely political and out to get him.  All he confessed to was a comma mistake or a misspelling.  Sure.

The audience was viewable at one point and all seemed unmasked, but I am betting that that elite had all been vaccinated.  

Trump is stirring up interest by not yet declaring his candidacy for 2024.  Or is it because it is hard to claim that you were really elected President in 2020, and will be installed in August, and that will be your second allowed term, so that you could not Constitionally run for a third term in 2024?  “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” — by Sir Walter Scott.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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