The Three Trump Supremes: The Wrong Justices for the Ripe Times
We haven’t seen enough cases to see the emergence of the Trump Era on the Supreme Court caused by his highly biased choice of conservative and religious justices, but we know we will eventually. I just can’t get over how poor the choices were considering the leading constitutional issues of our day.
In a day when women are making progress against the sexual harassment and assaults which occur in the workplace, we have the rushed appointment of Justice Kavanaugh who was supposedly being investigated over multiple charges of sexual assault. That was limited to a short investigation hidden in the White House and only of the original public first charge. He was cleared. This is also a time when we are seeing unprecedented deaths from drugs and gang violence, probably partly over drugs. Yet we appointed someone who’s main achievement in high school was being the keg-meister.
We are still in an era where Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell can still dictate what bills even get put before the Senate even for debate. This is reminiscent of McConnell”s unconstitutional blockage of Obama’s nominee for the Justice to replace Justice Scalia, because of an election almost a year away. Anyone who would accept such a position embarrassed themselves, and the Supreme Court, yet Justice Gorsuch did.
Finally, there is Justice Amy Coney Barrett who took a position at the last minute before the 2020 election, which Trump lost. Not only was this hypocrisy to the first unconstitutional limit which McConnell imposed. But worse than that, she replaced the leader of women’s rights, Justice Ginsburg. Recall that Justice Barrett’s leading qualification for the Right was her prejudice that Roe v. Wade was “wrongly decided”. This appointment at a time when abortion is being strongly contested and limited in Southern and conservative states. She should be ashamed of accepting such a hypocritical position when offered. She also should be ashamed of letting Trump schedule an infectathon event at the White House to celebrate her confirmation.
Three strikes, but the Trump Justices will not be out, but will continue opposing these ripe issues for the rest of their judicial lifetimes.
I can see many future cases from all of the Republican trifecta states which pass voting suppression laws aimed at Democrats, people of color, poor people, working people, women caring for kids, urban people, and young people, including those away at college. All of these are a result first of the conservative Supreme Court dropping the review of new voting laws of named states in 2013 in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Court essentially ruled that racism was gone, and that Congress would have to pass a new law to reinstate federal control. We see how easy it is for the Republicans to block new voting rights laws today. The second factors are Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him by every possible and science fictional way anybody could ever dream up. I am shocked that the State laws do not rule out and call for the destruction of all Space Lasers. So how are the Trump Justices going to feel about ruling on all of the unfounded complaints of the President who appointed them? This must have caused great embarrassment for them, and they know that will carry on throughout history. We have actually already found out. They turned down three such appeals in ways that said ‘don’t come back’.
The Justices may someday be called upon to counter the punishment of Trump and his collaborators on inciting the Insurrection on Congress of January 6th. Remember, this insurrection was done to stop the rightful and Constitutional formal recognition of the victory of President Biden who defeated President Trump who appointed the Trumpite Justices. That entire episode must also have been extremely embarrassing to them. The Trump Justices won’t just have asterisks by their names by the way that they were railroaded through, but by the way Trump has convinced his followers that he won, and caused the insurrection to actually steal the election for himself. By the way, tourists and the Justices know that the Supreme Court is actually just next to the Capitol building that was so viciously stormed with such murderous intent.
Oh what a tangled web Trump weaves, as he countinually keeps deceiving. The constitutional embarrassments of the Trump Justices will go on and on.