Children and the Rise of the Masking Rebels to defeat the Delta Coronavirus.
Now, more than half of Florida’s school children have joined the Rebel forces and are in districts in open rebellion to Emperor DeSantis’ mask ban-mandate. DeSantis is one of the Sithy Trump Lords. Anti-maskers complain about the effects on children of wearing masks. We now all have to wonder what the effects are on the children of being forced to join the Rebellion in order to protect the health and lives of themselves, their families, their teachers and their friends. May the Force be with them.
As a child in Long Beach, California, I was taught how to close the shades at night in order not to be a target of enemy bombings in World War II. Of course, the shades were partly transparent, so this wasn’t really effective.
In grade school, after the release of the atomic bomb, we were drilled in Duck and Cover under our desks. Oh, and cover our necks. The class rooms were lined on one side with low cabinet to ceiling windows, so this would have been a disaster. We should have been evacuated to a windowless hallway.
The last decades children have been drilled in securing classrooms when alerted to a shooter on campus.
One of the instruction sheets on my condo timeshare on Kauai where I am writing this is what to do in case of a terrorist attack. I have not read it. A warning not to walk on wet rocks would have been far more useful.
Part of growing up is constant tutelage from parents on how to avoid all sorts of hazards. That is what childhood is about.
Masking for protection is quite common in other countries to avoid even the yearly flu.
Taking vaccinations to avoid the common childhood diseases that killed young children and injured survivors is a wonder of modern medicine and universally required. In the 20th century, the US life expectancy was raised 47 years to 77 years, partly from vaccinations. Many of us elderly Americans suffer from shingles, the remains of having had chicken pox as children before the vaccine came out in 1984.
Sure, wearing a mask is inconvenient, but it also gives the child the feeling that they are doing something that adults around them do all of the time when needed.
We can only imagine what the effects on the children will be as they grow up in Rebel territory within Florida, and some other states. Maybe they will want to rename their sector of the state Tatooine. May the Force be with them.
Of course, I cannot leave out our wisened guide through the pandemic, Dr. Fauci, who is fulfilling the role of Yoda. It was natural that the Sithy Lords would have to take him on. Dr. Fauci was undaunted in using the Force of science and a lifetime of experience in taking on and defeating all of his opponents. While President Biden is taking on the role of the experienced Obi Wan, the young Luke Skywalker to lead us forward has not yet emerged.
A Leon County Circuit Court Judge John C. Cooper has just ruled that “The orphan statute does not support a statewide order or any action interfering with the constitutionally provided authority of local school districts to provide for the safety and health of children, based on the unique facts on the ground”.