Vaccine Doubters: Welcome to the 21st Century

Vaccine Doubters:  Welcome to the 21st Century

It turns out that healthcare workers, airline workers, and teachers comply at 99% to vaccine mandates, despite some 20% of them initially claiming that they would never get the 95% plus Covid protecting vaccine, with the Pfizer one now completely FDA approved for those 16 years old and older.  California will now require full vaccinations for students when the FDA approves it for their ages.

The three areas of work that we cite and are leading the way have something in common.  They rely on 20th and 21st Century progress, just like the vaccines that we use to save lives and to save people from bodily destruction and disabilities from serious commicable diseases.  California Governor Gavin Newsom points out that children get 10 required vaccines to be included in our school systems, both private and public.  

Healthcare workers use the most modern biomedical knowledge, examination equipment, treatment options, medicines, health care protocols, cleanliness, and rehabilitation care.  Do they really deserve their trusted and highly paid jobs if they refuse to get vaccinated and are then willing to spread highly lethal and often unsymptomatic infections to the most vulnerable people to destructive and lethal outcomes?

Airline workers are running a business which only began a century ago with “flying machines”.  Pilots on these machines have to have years of training and experience, and be updated on some of the most complicated equipment.  Flight attendants and passengers spend many hours shoulder to shoulder, knees to backs and elbows to carts crowded into planes with highly limited volumes of air, which spreads around for several minutes and is partly recycled before being expelled.  Day after day, with Covid floating around and not showing up for a few days after infection takes place.  There is very limited contact tracing after flights, and pretesting before flights, unless you are going to Hawaii and are not vaccinated.  Considering the high cost of flights, it is not too much to ask to have as safe an experience as possible these days.

Teachers who come up with reasons to not get vaccinated, are going to be spending five hours a day for nine months, in a situation where students are taught to follow every word and idea from these teachers and accept them.  Do we really want our children indoctrinated by teachers with such dangerous ideas and susceptibility to them that they cannot tell true knowledge sources from dangerously false ones?

It is a shame on our society that it took 9 months of available vaccines for even a start on requirements that any civilization would immediately start to activate.  It is also a shame that the FDA somehow takes weeks between meetings to evaluate vaccine data after they already appear on the web or even on TV.  It is a shame that we do so little tracking and data collection, that we have to rely on Israel, with a population of 9.2 million, or  only 2.8% of the US population, to slowly gather data on the effectiveness of vaccines and treatments.  Supposedly, the slowness of testing, FDA, and then CDC approval, are supposed to gain public confidence in the vaccines.  In fact, it just leaves more time for people to be misinformed, and evil politicians to put up barriers to vaccine and masking mandates.

A key part of the hypocrisy of anti-vaxxers, is that they use the most modern technology to spread their lethal disinformation.  One of the leading anti-Covid vaccine scams is that the vaccine injects locating chips.  I just checked, and 98% of new cars come with location systems.  So an honest anti-vaxer (an oxymoron) will never buy a 2021 or later car.  The leading anti-vaxer, who is also a millionaire by selling Covid “preventitive” or cures composed of simple vitamins, spread his snake oil on the eight or so most popular social media, and sold it on Amazon.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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