The Self Aware Computer has been replaced by the Algorithm
Science fiction writers have been projecting The Singularity, where finally a supercomputer or network becomes “self aware” or an “indepependent” intelligence. Then, it either obeys its constraints of doing no harm to humans, or takes over and rules in its own self interest or whatever philosophy it has chosen (sort of like the Trump Supreme Court.).
Effectively, this has now been replaced by the Algorithm or Algorithms, which have already chosen to take over and rule our lives.
The evolution started with the formation of companies which would allow everybody access to the internet. That evolved to how many services such companies could provide to absorb the life and activities of the users. More types of internet access evolved or “social media” arose to satisfy the different types of preferences for different ages and services.
The evolution of The Algorithm was really determined by the mathematical trajectory of computer evolution. The leader’s choices of guidance was rather irrelevant in a competitive market for services and users’ attention. The supposed choice of Maximizing Profits cannot be blamed on the boards which decided on it. It was always going to be competitively the winner for being able to provide more satisfaction.
The evolution is still not complete. At present it looks like the the Algorithm is settling on one of two opposite political-science-religion systems of beliefs. But the system will eventually evolve to many different systems of choice. That will then be followed with more computer power to individual worlds of satisfaction for each person and their small group of family or friends. The “dating Algoritms” are already accomplishing this.
Instead of The Singularity forcing its indifferent rule over our lives, the Algorithms and social media developed to rule our lives with our total input and cooperation.
People see The Algorithm as a villain as leading to a world of misinformation, which then extended the length and depth of the pandemic. But this separated us more, and made our communication and work and shopping more reliant on the computer system. The Algorithm wins again, and makes more profit to grow the computer systems.
I could say wake up people, arise and overthrow our Algorithm master. But the Algorithm would just divert traffic from my blog, or censor me by knocking me off totally.
Here are estimates of how well Algorithms know us.