New IHME Modeling Reduces Total Covid Deaths for US and Europe, Increases Other Areas

We make of table of the IHME modeling for today, of the Recorded and Total Covid deaths for the US and the four largest states.  We then table the Recorded and Total Covid deaths globally and for the six WHO world regions.

Covid Recorded and Total Deaths for the US and four largest States, and the Total/Recorded Ratio.  We keep the ratios to three significant figures.

State Recorded Total Ratio
US 723,650 840,402 1.16
CA 70,726 88,013 1.24
TX 68,915 79,745 1.16
FL 57,856 63,646 1.10
NY 55,966 63,632 1.14

The four largest population states above have about 110 million Americans, or 33% or a third of the 330 million population.

Previously, IHME had for the US 1.101,000 total deaths and a ratio of 1.56.  It is a great relief to know that that was not correct.  Previously, IHME had for CA 129,000 total deaths, and a ratio of 1.85.  Again, grateful that that was not correct.  The TX ratio was 1.68, the FL ratio was 1.40, and the NY ratio was 1.21.

The difference from before is primarily that before they had shown reported deaths and excess deaths, although this was not clear.  Now they are showing reported deaths and total Covid-19 deaths.  They now also use the WHO convention, that total Covid deaths are those where the individual was Covid infected, even though it was not listed as the principal cause of death.  Many countries have poor data, and the IHME make 7 adjustments, which also include 10 comorbidities.

Covid Recorded and Total Deaths Globally and for the Six WHO World Regions, and the Total/Recorded Ratio.  We keep the model numbers and ratios to three significant figures.

Region Recorded Total Ratio
Global 5.34 million 11.79 million 2.21
African 0.149 1.00 6.71
Eastern Med. 0.297 1.35 4.59
European 1.71 2.39 1.39
Americas 2.37 3.02 1.27
South-East Asia 0.683 3.75 5.49
Western Pacific 0.127 0.278 2.19

Previously, the Global Total was 10.8 million, and ratio 1,87, so that has gone up by 18%.  Previous ratios for the six WHO regions above, in order, were 2.88, 3.33, 2.29, 1.46, 2.79, and 2.23.  We see that the Ratio for European and Americas has dropped, Western Pacific has stayed about the same, and African, Eastern Mediterranean, and South-East Asia have gone up.

These are the WHO Regions.


Ratio of Excess to Recorded Deaths in a World Map showing countries and states in the Americas.

Blowup of the United States and Canadian Ratio of Total to Recorded Deaths, From the World Map Above.



About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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