Virginia Governor Youngkin Forgot to Listen to Teachers, Parents, and School Districts
Virginia’s new Governor, Republican Glenn Youngkin, promised to listen to parents, presumably at school districts. But in his acceptance speech with his promise of “transformation” on the first day from his overwhelming 2.5% mandate, he forgot to mention when and how he or anyone else would listen to teachers, elected school boards, or parents of school children, and about what. I just wanted to inform him of the task that he is avoiding so far.
In the Commonwealth of Virginia, in 2013, there were 1,265,419 school kids. They were in 2,182 schools. The schools were in 227 school districts. There were 82,389 teachers. There had to be at least 1.3 million parents to listen to. Oh, and each child took at least four classes to ask the parents about. And also, there are usually 180 days of school and lesson plans for each day. Actually, as a former school student, and now a lifelong learning student, I think that Youngkin should listen to all of the students as well.
Should Youngkin or anyone copying his Victory Menu run for President, they or the school boards or districts, or schools, will be listening to 48.1 million public school children, at 97,568 schools, in 13,800 districts, and 3.2 million public school teachers. Oh, and for 180 days of lesson plans for 6 or 7 classes a day.
Actually, those who show up at school boards will adamantly be all shouting or crying the same hoax that Fox News would be pushing that election to secretly satisfy the Murdochs in making fun of Americans. The last month it was CRT or Critical Race Theory, which is not taught in either grade schools or colleges. It may be taught in a law school class, probably with a handful of students. To those who have decided to run with the Foxes yet complain about students having to be educated at home, we reply: get vaccinated and now get your kids vaccinated. “What evil lurks in the hearts of men?” … only Tucker Carlson knows (my takeoff from “only the Shadow knows”. You have to really be a senior to remember that radio show.)
In the campaign, the censorship from school libraries of any books dealing with race or sex or sexual orientation has arisen. That has to be done for elementary school, middle school, and high school libraries. That will also vary by community. A recommended banned book list of 850 books has appeared already. Libraries are as inefficient as can be imagined. Only one child can read a book at a time, and they can monopolize the book by checking it out for a few weeks. This is an internet generation. A less than one second search of Google for LGBTQ turned up 204 million instantaneously available entries.
Researching Virginia, I found that the capital of Virginia, Richmond, was also the Capital of the Confederacy. Also, at the start of the Civil War, West Virginia split off from Virginia, became a state, and joined the Union. No wonder they want to remove race from their history.
Youngkin will also, unfortunately, remove vaccine and masking requirements, endangering many in the Commonwealth with Covid-19 infections, that is, ignoring commonhealth.
Upon reflection, what the Virginia race and Trump presidency says is that any of the 614 billionaires or even sub billionaires as Youngkin, with no governing experience, can run for highest offices and win.