2021 Voter Suppression Laws Compared to their States’ Mottos. The Mottos were created when the states had the highest ideals in their formation.
We work from the list of states shown in the MSNBC map of states which passed voter suppression laws in 2021, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law. We note that it is one day past Martin Luther King Day and tomorrow there will be Senate votes on removing the Filibuster for Voting Rights Legislation.
Unfortunately, both CNN and MSNBC chose to only include the Restrictive laws, from the more mixed map directly from the Brennan Center, which includes states which have also passed restrictive and expansive laws, in dark blue, and only Expansive Laws in intermediate color.
While we appreciate the attacks designed on Democratic voters in urban environments who are also minorities, and on those who work or take care of their families, we want to especially note the effect on the group that I represent: seniors. Seniors have disabilities, they cannot stand in long lines, they cannot wait in inclement weather, they need indoor chairs and nearby bathroom facilities, they need rides to the polls, their ID drivers licenses expire, some have never driven and don’t have IDs, they need someone to collect their ballots and take them to the polls, etc. Mail-in voting where ballots are routinely mailed to them is ideal, and allowing someone to mail them in for them. Here is the Brennan Center list of primary voting suppression acts, heavily tailored around Trump’s dishonest claims that mail-in voting stole the election from him.
ALL of the above, ALL of them, discriminate against seniors, irrespective of party or independent affiliation!
There are 152 restrictive bills in 18 states carried over to this year.
The readers can pass their own judgement on the allegiance of voter suppression acts to the states’ highest ideals.
We start with the mottos of the two most populous Republican states on the map: Texas and Florida. We then work our way around the US map.
Texas: Friendship
Florida: In God we trust.
New York: Ever Upward!
New Hampshire: Live free or die.
Indiana: Crossroads of America.
Kentucky: United we stand, divided we fall and Let us be grateful to God.
Iowa: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.
Kansas: To the stars through difficulties.
Oklahoma: Hard work conquers all.
Arkansas: The People Rule
Louisiana: Union, Justice, and Confidence
Alabama: We dare to defend our rights.
Georgia: Wisdom, Justice, Moderation.
Montana: Gold and Silver.
Idaho: Let it be perpetual.
Wyoming: Equal Rights.
Nevada: All for our country.
Utah: Industry.
Arizona: God Enriches.