IHME Covid Projections for California on January 24

The IHME modeling of the Covid pandemic for California has the good features of being past the peak and rapid declining of the US predictions.  Moreover, while being 1/8 of the US population, we only face 1/10 of the deaths.  This is probably because we are more highly vaccinated, and more highly masked.

Total Deaths by May 1 in the model are 101,219, while today they are 98,028, leaving 3,191 to go.  With an increase in masking to 80% from our relatively high 63% (compared to the US 45%), 106 lives or 3.3% could be saved.

Total Daily Deaths peak today, January 24th, at 184 per day in the model, which is 1/10 of the US rate today.  On February 1, this will be 141 per day or 77% of the peak.  On February 15 this will be 50 per day or 27% of the peak.  On March 1, this will be 18 per day, or only 10% of the peak.

The fully vaccinated in Orange County agrees with that in California to 1%.  In California, ages 65 and up ate 88% vaccinated, those 12 and up are 78% vaccinated, and all ages are 68% vaccinated, compared to 63% for the US.  The IHME modeling has those with one dose or more fixed at 83%, while all age vaccinations will increase to 78% by May 1.

Hospitalizations in California are modeled to have peaked on January 18th, at 19,753, with 4,914 or 25% in ICUs.  On February 1 this will be 13,662, or 70% of the peak.  On February 15 this will be 7,072 or 36% of the peak.  On March 11, this will be 3,008 or 15% of the peak.

Estimated Daily Infections for California peaked on December 31 at 0.98 million per day, or 2,450 per 100,000.  On January 24, today, they are at 293,000 a day, or 733 per 100,000, or 30% of the peak.  It is also about 1/8 of the US infections today.  With 80% masking, the California value could have been reduced by 14%.  On February 1, they will be at 17% of the peak, and on February 15, they will be at 6.5% of the peak, or 64,000 a day, or 160 per 100,000.  

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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