The International Democracy Survey of 2022

For most countries, there are few changes from the Survey of 2021, which we recently put up.  The 2022 survey includes events through 2021.  The 2022 Survey is at  It is a compilation of ratings from 0 to 1 of five indexes. The five indexes are:

EDI, Electoral Democracy Index;

LCI, Liberal Component Index;

ECI, Egalitarian Component Index;

PCI, Participatory Component Index; and

DCI, Deliberative Component Index.

The tables below are based on the LDI:  Liberal Democracy Index, which combines the 40 components of the EDI, and the 29 components of the LCI.

In general, 70% of the world’s population, or 5.4 billion people, live in dictatorships.  India, with 1.4 billion population, had declined from a democracy to an electoral autocracy.  Liberal democracies have declined from 42 countries in 2012 to 34 countries, which only contain 13% or one eighth of the world’s population.  Studies have shown that democracies have a 20% higher GDP per capita than autocracies, as well as all of the other benefits.

Thirty-three countries are currently becoming more autocratic, while only 15 are democratizing, containing only 3% of the of the world’s population.  In the past year there have been 5 military coups, and one self-coup.  Misinformation by governments is increasing.  Toxic polarization is increasing in 32 countries.  35 countries suffered deterioration of freedom of expression.  Autonomy of electoral management has been undermined in 25 countries in the past 10 years.

We will show their LDI and Rank for the same countries that we examined in the Democracy Index 2021 in a previous article, partly for comparison.  The decimal fraction in the Democracy Survey will be multiplied by 10 to make it 0 to 10.  (The = on the Index Rank means a tie.)

North and South America

Country Index Avg. Index Rank Survey  LDI Survey Rank
USA 7.85 26 7.4 29
Canada 8.87 12 7.5 24
Mexico 5.57 86= 3.9 87
Brazil 6.86 47 5.1 56
Venezuela 2.11 151 0.7 161
Nicaragua 2.69 140 0.6 161
Cuba 2.59 142 0.8 159

In the five categories of the Survey, the US scored (with ranks in parentheses):  Electoral Democracy 8.2 (29); Liberal 9.0 (26); Egalitarian 6.5 (76); Participatory 6.6 (26); and Deliberative 7.8 (61).  Again, the US  LDI was listed as 7.4 (29).

Western Europe

Western European countries Survey LDI range from 7.5 for Austria to the world’s leading countries, Sweden and Denmark at 8.8.  That is, except for Greece at 6.7.  All of the others are higher than the US at 7.4.

Eastern European

Countries Index Avg. Index Rank Survey LDI Survey Rank
Russia 3.24 124 1.0 151
Belarus 2.41 146 0.4 175
Ukraine 5.57 86= 3.2 99
Estonia 7.84 27 8.4 6
Latvia 7.31 38 7.3 30
Lithuania 7.18 38 7.4 27
Poland 6.80 51 4.1 80
Romania 6.43 61 6.4 44
Serbia 6.36 63 2.4 111
Slovakia 7.03 45 7.7 22
Hungary 6.50 56= 3.6 91
Czech R. 7.74 29 7.1 31
Slovenia 7.54 35 6.0 48
Croatia 6.50 56= 6.3 46
Bulgaria 6.64 53 5.5 56
Georgia 5.12 91 4.9 62
Turkey 4.35 103 1.1 147

The LDI for Russia was 1.0 (151), and the five components for Russia are:  2.6 (139); 2.4 (155); 5.4 (110); 4.3 (125); and 3.0 (151).


Countries Index Avg. Index Rank Survey LDI Survey Rank
China 2.21 152 0.4 172
India 6.91 46 3.6 93
Japan 8.15 17 7.4 28
Taiwan 8.99 8 7.0 32
S. Korea 8.16 16 7.9 17
Vietnam 2.94 131 1.3 141
HongKong 5.60 84 2.0 123
N. Korea 1.08 165 0.1 178
Afghanistan 0.32 167 0.2 177
Australia 8.90 9= 8.1 14

Middle East

Countries Index Avg. Index Rank Survey LDI Survey Rank
Israel 7.97 28 6.5 41
Kuwait 3.91 110 2.7 106
Qatar 3.65 114 0.9 155
Iraq 3.51 116= 2.2 118
UAE 2.90 134= 0.8 158
Bahrain 2.42 144 0.5 169
SaudiArabia 2.08 152 0.4 171
Iran 1.95 154= 1.2 142
Syria 1.43 162= 0.4 174

Saudi Arabia has the LDI of 0.4 (171) and the components: 0.2 (179); 1.7 (162); 4.6 (130); 0.7 (177); and 2.5 (154).

Graphs and Plots from the Report

While we see a 50 year decline in Closed Autocracies from 52 to 26, we also see a very disturbing rise in Electoral Autocracies in the last few years from 25 to 44, or plus 19. That corresponds to the sharp drop in Electoral Democracies from 39 to 16, or minus 23.

Each person is 1% of the region’s population.  Dark blue is Liberal Democracy, light blue is Electoral Democracy, light red is Electoral Autocracy, and dark red is Closed Autocracy.  Western Europe and North America is the best.  The Middle East and North Africa is the worst.


About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
This entry was posted in 2020 Election, 2022 Election, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Equality of Opportunity Project, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Impeachment, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Politics, Russia, Trump Administration, Ukraine, Upward Mobility, Voting Rights. Bookmark the permalink.

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