Will There Be a Civil Separation of the Blue from the Red States?

Will There Be a Civil Separation of the Blue States from the Red States?

No way are Blue States going to live the next 30 years under this misogynist, theocratic, far right nominated, two illegitimate, one alleged criminal, Supreme Court.

While the Texas Republican Party voted to succeed, they needn’t have had to. They got their guns and religion now. It is the Blue States that will wish them goodbye, along with the other Red States splitting also. But we will miss their oil, along with their abundant mid-West wind power.

The question is, after the Blue-Red split, will the Blue States again feel that they have to invade the Red States, but this time to liberate the women?

I think we stayed 20 years in Afghanistan in an attempt to see them convert to a democracy with respect for women’s rights, but it couldn’t be done.

Besides, the Red States have all the guns, and the mindset to use them against other human beings.

The Red State women could have voted for Hillary, but instead chose Donald, despite his most horrendous taped bragging of harassment of women.

We also gift the present Supreme Court to the Red States, and will choose our own. Just kindly move them to Dallas.

The abolition of Roe v. Wade, or the right to abortions up to viability, could be the trigger as was partly the Dred Scott decision of 1857 before the Civil War of 1861. In what is considered the racist and worst Supreme Court decision ever, they decided that a person of African descent could not become an American Citizen, because it was not explicitly so stated in the Constitution. Just like in the current case about abortion.

Bill Maher scooped me on this prediction of Civil War II tonight. He said on his show that a poll shows that half of the American public expect a civil war sometime in their lifetime.

I don’t want a war, just a negotiated separation agreement. Then, the Red States can have Trump or DeSantis as their leader, even forever. And the Supreme Court, which we are delighted to gift to them, then wouldn’t even have to make up corny justifications for the misogynistic, gun toting, policies that they want.

Postscript: Here is some evidence about Republican versus Democratic gun ownership, from 2021.


I just learned that among America’s 400 million guns, there are 35-40 million assault type rifles.  While a ban on new ones will stop young people from buying their first one, they will continue to circulate to determined mass shooters.  Also, banning high capacity magazines would be less effective as they can be sold and reloaded by anybody.

It is amazing that when President Trump finally got around to calling off the January 6th insurrection, his mob of followers actually did so.  This shows that it is incumbent on Trump and Republicans in Congress to come forward and tell those planning mass assaults to “stand down”.  And to stop posing with AR-15s.

I though that this article was too non-academic to post. However, last night, Bill Maher on TV reported a poll that half of Americans think that there will be a civil war within their lifetime. So it now becomes not only legitimate, but necessary to discuss this option.

Maher also pointed out that “but what about Houston”. I think that this was a reference that there are Democratic urban centers in Texas and these other states which would be left out politically. It is well established that in Texas, were it not for gerrymandering, Hispanic Americans would be entitled to as many state legislature representatives as there are representatives for White Americans. As it is now, there is a serious domination by White American Republican representatives. So, even in a new country of Blue States, there is much of the Blue population stranded in Red states. This reminds me of the Great Migration 1916-1970, Blacks began migrating from Southern states to Northern and Mid-western states.

The second of the triad of Republican dominated rulings was on allowing open carrying nationally. These laws are alreading embedded in Red states, but are banned in Blue states or have restrictions and require a justification to carry in public. Blue states have large urban centers which are gang infested. Allowing open carry is an invitation to mass massacres. As we have shown, states with good gun laws have far fewer gun deaths than those without laws. Unregulated open carry would be a plague upon Blue states.

We have shown earlier that pregnancy and birth are biological processes. The decision whether to carry them to term involves all aspects of a woman’s life and also her male relationship. For religious people to move into this and make all sort of claims about holiness, which are unprovable, and then demand that they be imposed on all other people in the country is not only unscientific, but also ruled out by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Even among the 26 non-abortion states, there are different time limits on abortion, and different treatments for rape and incest.  There are also other religions which do not ban abortions.  

It will be far worse if the religious Supreme Court and a possible Republican congress decide to outlaw abortions nationwide.



About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
This entry was posted in 2022 Election, Abortions, Affairs of State, Congress, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy, Establishment Clause, First Amendment, Freedom to Petition, Gerrymandering, Governors and State Legislatures, Gun Control, Guns, Health Care, Politics, Religion, Supreme Court, Swing States, Women’s Rights. Bookmark the permalink.

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