In mid-2022, being vaccinated and boosted reduced the mortality of those 65 and over to only 10% of the unvaccinated in that age group.
Since April 2022 to September 2022, for the senior 65 and over population, Covid deaths have been 40% unvaccinated, 22% primary vaccinations only, and 39% vaccinated and boosted. We apportion this to the vaccination status of those seniors, which is 7% unvaccinated, 26% only primary vaccinations, and 67% vaccinated and boosted.
The ratios of the percentages are then:
unvaccinated, 40%/7% = 5.7;
primary vaccinations only, 22%/26% = 0.85; and
vaccinated and boosted, 39%/67% = 0.58.
So the primary vaccinations reduced the morbidity to 0.85/5.7 = 0.15 or 15% of the unvaccinated.
The vaccination and boosted reduced the morbidity for seniors to 0.58/5.7 = 0.10 or 10% of the unvaccinated, or by a factor of 10.
As an newer addition, with the new bivalent booster, the CDC has stated that for people ages 12 and over, it has reduced the risk of death by a factor of 15 over an unvaccinated person.