Weight Loss Drugs are the Science Magazine Breakthrough of 2023
Development of Diabetic Drugs
Again, I am not a doctor, and can take no responsibility for the simplicity of this presentation in an Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCI lecture.
The development of drugs for diabetic management of glucose over the last fifteen years or so has led to drugs like Ozempic which can be taken once a week through a simple and largely painless injection in the stomach or thigh. Ozempic stimulates the pancreas to release insulin to process glucose when present. They are a major advance over the meal by meal finger prick tests for blood glucose monitoring, and then injections of insulin to process the blood glucose into the muscles.
Weight Loss
The amazing side effect is that in tests, Ozempic has led to weight loss of 15% of the patients body weight. Unfortunately, they have to continue taking the drug in order to not regain a large part of that. The Semaglutide drugs work partly by keeping the gut fuller while processing, making one feel less hungry, and also by signaling the brain to desire less food.
The drugs have now also been shown in a trial of people with excess weight and cardiovascular disease, to lower the risk of fatal or nonfatal heart attacks and strokes by 20% compared to those on a placebo.
We don’t cover possible side effects as there are not tables available.
Obesity as a Problem
The Body Mass Index or BMI is weight divided by height squared, in kilograms and meters squared. Calculators abound on the web using pounds and feet and inches.
According to 2018 data, for American adults:
31% are Overweight (BMI 25-30)
42% are Obese (BMI 30+)
9% are Severly Obese (BMI 40+).
Obesity can lead to type-2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, fatty liver disease, and certain cancers.
Cost and Coverage of Weight Loss Drugs
Currently, Ozempic costs about $800 a month in the US. If covered for diabetes, there is just a small copay.
Last year in August, it cost $936 a month in the US, but only $169 in Japan, $147 in Canada, $103 in Germany, and $93 in the UK. In one estimate, the drug company could still make a profit selling it for less than $1 a month. In fairness, the high rates would be claimed by the companies as the cost of research and testing, not to mention vast advertising to justify the high rates. 54% of people on the drug have trouble paying for it.
Ozempic may be a top choice in 2025 for ten drugs bargained for by Medicare, with rates to take effect in 2027. In 2022, Medicare paid $5.7 billion for the drug. By law, Medicare is not allowed to cover drugs for weight loss.
It is estimated that by 2030, up to 30 million Americans, or 9%, would benefit from such drugs.
Future Prospects for Treatment of Addictions
There are indications that these drugs may be able to lessen the desires for smoking, drinking, and other drugs. Experimentation is ongoing to find the best ones.
Future Cheaper and Better Drugs are conceived of.
Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease
A new study announced on May 24 shows that Ozempic lowered deaths in adults from cardiovascular and Kidney Disease by 24%. One in seven US adults have Kidney Disease. 850 million people world-wide have it. Ozempic will apply to the FDA for approval in its use to fight Kidney Disease.