Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan Vote Math

Game of Icy Thrones: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan Vote Math

This article just looks at the vote differences of Trump and Clinton, and the votes that went to other parties, in the three close but surprising Northern states of Pennsylvania, with 20 electoral votes; Wisconsin, with 10 electoral votes; and Michigan, 16 electoral votes, now updated with final results on Nov. 24, 2016.

Pennsylvania: 20 electoral votes, where Trump and Clinton only are updated for Dec. 1, 2016

Trump: 2,961,187

Clinton: 2,914,422

Difference: 46,765  (down from 68,000)

Sum of top two: 5,875,609

Sum of other parties. 212,461  not yet updated to Dec. 1

Total votes: 6,088,070

Difference / Total votes = 0.77%, down from 1.14%

Other parties / Total = 3.56%, not yet updated



Wisconsin: 10 electoral votes

Trump: 1,409,467

Clinton: 1,382,210

Difference: 27,257

Sum of top two: 2,791,677

Sum of other parties. 151,382

Total votes: 2,943,059

Difference / Total votes = 0.93% = 1/108 voters

Other parties / Total = 5.14%.



Michigan: 16 electoral votes, updated with final results on Nov. 24

Trump: 2,279,543

Clinton: 2,268,839

Difference: 10,704

Sum of top two: 4,548,382

Sum of other parties: 250,902

Total votes: 4,799,284

Difference / Total votes = 0.223% = 1/448 voters

Other parties / Total = 5.23%




The leads of Trump vs. Clinton over total voters in the sequence of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are: 0.77%, 0.93%, and 0.22%.

The percentage of other parties to total voters in the same sequence are: 3.56%, 5.14%, and 5.23%.

There are a large number of voters who skipped a Presidential vote, but voted for other positions.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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