Nov. 27. Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith Wins Mississippi Senator.

The Senate races are now final at Dem 47 to Rep 53.  Dems would need four crossover Rep votes to win any Senate vote, but have lost Republican cross-over Senators, including Jeff Flake.  Four Democratic Senators in Trump won states who voted against Judge Kavanaugh lost, namely, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Bell Nelson of Florida.

In Mississippi, Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith has won over Democrat Mike Espy by 53.8% to 46.2%, or a 7.6% lead, with 97% reported.  In the four-way general election, the Republican total was a 15.4% win over Democrats Espy and Bartee..  So Espy or Democrats have gained 8% since then, or Hyde-Smith or Republicans have lost 8%.  Cindy Hyde-Smith was appointed Senator after Senator Thad Cochran retired on April 1 this year.  She is the first woman Senator from Mississippi. 

468,162 plus 402,044 = 870,206

In the General Election on Nov. 21:

Rep Hyde-Smith. 389,952 or 41.3%. 

Dem Espy.            386,312 or 40.9%. 

Rep McDaniel.     154,866 or 16.4%. 

Dem Bartee.          13,849 or   1.5%.

The Rep total is 544,818 and the Dem total is 400,161.  

The total total is 944,979, so Republicans had 57.7%, and Democrats 42.3%.  The gap was 15.4%.

So it looks like Dem Espy has acquired the other Democrat’s vote, or got a small gain to his voters in the General Election.  Cindy Hyde-Smith lost about 76,656 votes from the Republican total, or half of Rep McDaniel’s total.

The numbers keep accumulating, but you have the picture.

For the OC Registrar of Voters, the number of ballots to count after Election Day is 477,711, of which 460,433 have been counted, leaving 17,278 ballots to count, or 3.6%.

Can’t find an update of CA 21 yet tonight.  This is now the only undecided House race.  The House is now Dem 234 and Rep 200.  The Dems have now gained 39 seats.

Trump said that we have clean air and clean water here (but he is working against that), but Asian countries have emissions that come over to our air.  So they can dirty our air.  But mankind cannot be causing climate change.  Really, no contradiction here?  Maybe we just don’t have the “high levels of intelligence” that Trump has.  Why is Rick (climate change is a US conspiracy and hoax) Santorum still on CNN?  There must be a thousand real climate scientists willing to go on CNN for free, with the truth.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders took her own attack, that it is the most extreme version (Business as Usual), and it’s not based on facts.  “It’s not data driven.”  If you look at the 100 illustrations from the Climate Impact report, you see that half of them are data based and show what climate change has already wrought.  Then she said that it’s based on modeling.  Does anybody know any other way to project to the future?  Then “Again, our focus is on making sure we have the safest, cleanest air and water.”  Again, lying, but trying to confuse their followers from what climate change threatens.  For Southern California, it is a question whether we have water, period.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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