Trump’s Superman Complex

Trump’s Superman Complex

Trump is Superman.  He builds tall buildings with a single questionable loan.  He draws a cape around all of his affairs.  He does not wear glasses when being Superman, although he really needs them.  He has no opponents or weapons which could breach his defenses.  His laser heating eyes are now name-calling tweets which destroy a person’s career.  He is faster than a speeding bullet with his tweets.  More powerful than a locomotive with his Air Force One Command plane.  Sometimes he dreams that he is Zod, and we must all kneel before him.  Trump knows that he is the only one who has the strength to negotiate one-on-one with other dictators.  The smartest man on earth.  Also, born with innate scientific knowledge far beyond that of any earthling.  So he innately can deny climate science.  Trump also knows more than his generals, or the State Department.  Just from watching Fox News?  Wow!

Trump’s Kryptonite is the rare disapproval of Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, or other right wing politicos.  Trump is even crying for Infowars and Milo Yiannopoulos being dropped from Facebook.

Lest we forget, Trump won three key states with less than 1% of the vote. Blame it on Russian hacking of DNC, DNCC, John Podesta.  Blame it on Comey’s violating DOJ procedures and publicly raking Hillary over the coals for having her own, unhacked, e-mail server.  Maybe some blame on Sander’s liberals who couldn’t back Hillary.  And for this, we abdicated our responsibility to lead the world in fighting climate change.  Not to mention NATO, free trade, respect for Muslims, respect for Latinos, the Iran non-proliferation treaty, our separation of powers, our Constitution, truth and respect in our President, etc.

Trump is supposedly trying to bring jobs back to America with his tariffs, but they are mostly repetitive, low paying jobs that we have farmed out.  And, with only 3.7% unemployment, these added jobs would drive wages up.  The only people who would take these jobs are probably undocumented workers.  Consumers would be skewered, paying both for tariffs on imported goods and American wages instead of Chinese wages for production brought back to America.

Whereas Obama and Hillary Clinton have withdrawn from the scene, even if Trump loses the next election, he will still retain the political power of his followers.  He will be able to threaten any Republicans who would vote to investigate him, or not follow his policies and praise.  He would have a lot more time to tweet and retweet.  He would probably be given a political show by Fox, or invited to rant whenever he felt like it.  Still better than a reelection.  If reelected, Trump will not even be constrained by running for election, and would increase his powers and destruction immensely.

Trump made his absurd statement that he deserved a six year term after talking to Putin, who serves six year terms.  Apparently Putin had a good laugh that after his 2016 election interference was detailed in the Mueller Report, Trump is not going to hold him accountable.  This reminds me that I saw the comedy “Hustle” yesterday, a remake of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”.  Trump is also seeking to jail the son of Joe Biden over his involvement in Ukraine.  Rudy backed out at the last minute from getting foreign interference in our elections again.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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