March 10. Coronavirus cases in the US, South America, Africa, and the Middle East

March 10.  Coronavirus Cases in the US, South America, Africa, and the Middle East

The cases in countries outside of mainland China are now about half of those inside China.  China has been leveling off around 80,000, and is now at 80,956.  The World total is 119,120.  The difference is 38,164, almost half of China.  The data are from Johns Hopkins at 10:10 pm PST.

The Chinese recovered are 61,559, which is 76.0% of the Chinese cases.

At 5:20 pm, the death rates for the largest outbreak countries were:  China, 3.9%; Italy, 6.2%; Iran, 3.6%; South Korea 0.72%; France 1.8%; Spain 2.1%; Germany 0.14%; and the US, 2.9%.  Italy has the oldest European population and the highest death rate. 

A study of 181 well timed cases by Johns Hopkins has the median incubation period at 5.1 days, and a 97.5% symptom rate by 11.5 days.  However, about 1% did not show symptoms until after 14 days.  This is similar to SARs and MERs.  The common cold shows symptoms after 3 days.  Kids can have secretions for up to 22 days.  Cases in China recover in two weeks.

2.5 million live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

The National Stockpile of respirators, or face fitting masks, of N95 is only 12 million, and has not been replaced since 2009.  There are also 5 million expired respirators.  3M is producing 3.5 million a month.  There are 30 million surgical masks in the stockpile, which are not tight fitting.  Save them for the professionals.

The total of US cases has now increased beyond 1,000 at 1,025.  As usual, we remove the 45 and 21 confined cruise cases, to get 959 land cases.  Yesterday there were 688 land cases.  So the increase is 271, and the ratio is 271/688 = 39%.

From Johns Hopkins we only have State totals now.  The leading states are:  WA 267 with 23 deaths; NY 176; CA 157 with 3 deaths; MA 92; FL 28 with 2 deaths; GA 23; IL 19; CO 18;  PA 14; IA 13; and TX 13.  The DC area has MD 9, VA 9, and DC 5.  There are 31 deaths in the US.

In California, Stanford, USC and 8 UC campuses have gone to online classes, instead of in-person classes.  UC Merced also urged instructors to move online.  UC Irvine is meeting this week, but going to remote exams next week.  After Spring Break, they will have remote classes for Spring Quarter.  UC Irvine and other campuses are cancelling events of more than 100 participants, and having athletic events without spectators.

Mexico still has 7 cases.

In South America, the largest numbers are in Brazil has 31, Argentina 19 with 1 death, Chile 17, Ecuador 15, Peru 11, Costa Rica 9, and Panama 8.

In Africa, Egypt has 59 with 1 death, Algeria 20, South Africa 7, and Tunisia 6.

In the Middle East, Iraq of course leads with 8,042.  The Persian Gulf has Bahrain 110, Kuwait 69, Qatar 24, UAE 24, and Oman 18.

Israel has 75, Iraq 71, Syria 41 with 1 death, and the Palestinian territory 25. 

The New York Times now has maps of cases in the States and Countries, so I can give up on the tracking, other than calculations.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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