Search Results for: California oil

Articles about Saudi Arabia and World, US, and California Oil

During the last year I have been writing articles about Middle East and Saudi oil, and the strait of Hormuz.  California has been 15% dependent on Saudi oil, and may be affected by the recent oil field and refinery fires … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Oil, US Oil, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage, Yemen | Leave a comment

Saudi and Persian Gulf Oil Among US and California Oil Imports

Saudi and Persian Gulf Oil Among US and California Oil Imports While our relations and the world status with Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf are now being examined, that is far beyond my field.  I will just examine our … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, California Oil, Iran, Oil, Saudi Oil Imports, US Oil | Leave a comment

Sources of California Oil

California is like an island in terms of oil.  It does not have long range pipelines to it.  It is now importing about half of its oil from foreign sources, and a small amount from Alaska, through its ports.  See … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Oil | Leave a comment

California’s Oil Refinement, Imports, and Use

California’s Oil Refinement, Imports, and Use I am going to use a mix of numbers from recent years, which of course change from year to year with a fungible product like oil.  Costs don’t matter much since those thrifty days … Continue reading

Posted in Autos, California Oil, Carbon Tax, Energy Efficiency, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Middle East, No More Drilling, Oil, Saudi Oil Imports, US Oil, World Oil Exports | Leave a comment

California and US Dependence on Persian Gulf Oil

California and US Dependence on Persian Gulf Oil Trump’s advisors had to have told him that about 20% of the world’s oil comes through the Strait of Hormuz, where the drone was shot down, and the tankers were mined.  This … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, California Oil, Oil | Leave a comment

California and the West Coast Versus US Oil Independence

California and the West Coast Versus US Oil Independence The West Coast and other states to the west of the Rocky Mountains are largely insulated from the rest of the United States, except for rail lines and one southern pipeline … Continue reading

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The Latest California Redistricting Draft Removes UCI from the 45th to the 49th Coastal District

The Latest California Redistricting Draft Removes the UC Irvine Area from the 45th to 49th Coastal District According to the OC Register the UCI area in the latest redistricting draft has moved into the coastal 49th district.  This also includes … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, 2020 Election, 2022 Election, Climate Change, Coastal Flooding, Coastal States, Congress, Conservation, Fossil Fuel Energy, Harley Rouda, Huntington Beach Oil Spill, Katie Porter, Laguna Beach Rally, No More Drilling, Oil, Sea Level Rise, US Oil | Leave a comment

Huntington Beach Oil Spill Update

Huntington Beach Oil Spill Update Update, October 8.  The oil spill could have been as small as only 25,000 gallons.  They have now photographed the straight 13” split on the pipeline.  That small a volume would not have triggered a … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Huntington Beach Oil Spill, Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil | Leave a comment

Background Information on the Huntington Beach Oil Spill

Background information on the Huntington Beach or Orange County oil spill. California controls drilling and pipelines out to three miles from the coast.  The federal government controls those further out, at least to the 12 mile limit.  There are 23 … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Huntington Beach Oil Spill, Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil, US Oil | Leave a comment

Nose-witness Account of October 2021 Huntington Beach Oil Spill

Nose-witness Account of October 2021 Huntington Beach Oil Spill I have to report that I was a nose-witness to what I believe was the Friday night start of the Huntington Beach Oil Spill.  The spilled oil from an offshore oil … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Huntington Beach Oil Spill, Oil | Leave a comment