Category Archives: AHCA

Will the New ACHA Cure Republicans Infected With Obfuscative Pablum?

Will the New ACHA Cure Republicans Infected With Obfuscative Pablum?   The Republicans, once again, are working on a health plan in secret. Then they plan to immediately vote on it before it can be analyzed by Democrats, or the … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Donald Trump, Health Care, Humor, Trump Administration, Trump Tax Cuts | Leave a comment

Trump’s Inhumanity to Children

Trump’s Inhumanity to Children While Trump personally cares about children, the people that he let draft his budget (Mick Mulvaney, head of OMB), or copied from the Koch and Mercer funded American Heritage Foundation, had no respect for children at … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Education, EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, NIH, Oil, Politics, Regulations, Robert Mercer, Sea Level Rise, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, Zika Virus | Leave a comment

Where Is Trump’s Real Concern for Children?

Where Is Trump’s Real Concern for Children? Trump claimed that he was very angry at Bashar al Assad’s gas attack that killed many children and wounded many, as are all of us. To my recall he has not shown any … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Health Care, Politics, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

Trump Headlines I Would Like to See

Trump Headlines I Would Like to See Trump Uses Devin Nunes as a Smoke Screen to Hide Cancellation of Clean Energy Plan (“Do not look behind the screen”, from the Wizard of Oz.) X on Mo Bull (Exxon Mobil as … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Donald Trump, EPA, Politics, Sea Level Rise, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic | Leave a comment

Is This Really Trump’s First and Last Offer on Health Care?

Is This Really Trump’s First and Last Offer on Health Care? Ever been to a used car lot and been told that their great discount price would end the second you stepped off the lot? Especially by a salesman who … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Congress, Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Now Owns the AHCA Healthcare Plan

Trump Now Owns the AHCA Healthcare Plan In President Trump’s 2020 Campaign Speech in Kentucky last night, he took ownership of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by fully backing its passing in the House two days from now, on … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Congress, Politics, Trump Administration, Trump Budget | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump on NIH: Not Making Americans Safe Again

Trump on NIH:  Not Making Americans Safe Again Trump is gutting the domestic budget by 10.5% to boost the military budget by 9%, or $54 billion.  But strangely, besides attacking climate science and clean energy, he has focused on the … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Budget | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump on Health: Not Americans First

Trump on Health:  Not Americans First The steep cuts to the National Institute of Health, and the hordes of Americans that will lose their healthcare by the Republican’s American Health Care Act, show that President Trump is really attacking American’s … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Donald Trump, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes | Leave a comment