Category Archives: Benefits of the United Nations

California Leads the Nation in Poverty

California Leads the Nation in Poverty Again, I am not a poverty expert, nor a social worker, or a social ecology professor. I just looked up some US Census data. This article arises from Donald Trump pulling the United States … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Benefits of the United Nations, Children, Congress, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Food Stamps, Poverty, State Department, Trumpcare Deaths, White House | Leave a comment

The Many Benefits to the United States from Contributing to the UN

The Many Benefits to the United States from Contributing to the UN Our unlettered foreign affairs President, fueled by Fox News, sees foreign affairs as a personality contest or ego enhancer.  With respect to the UN, he has always emphasized … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Benefits of the United Nations, Education, Military Budget, Trump Administration, United Nations | Tagged | Leave a comment