Category Archives: NIH

Trump and Brain Drains

Trump and Brain Drains Somehow, Dictators are associated with Brain Drains.  In historical cases, it is not just dislike for dictators, not just secondary effects of a dictator’s policies, but actual purges carried out by the dictator against academics and … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Brain Drain, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Congress, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Economies, Education, EPA, Federal University Funding, Fossil Fuel Energy, H-1B Visas, Immigration Ban, Iran, Middle East, NIH, Purge, State Department, Travel Ban, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

Trump’s Inhumanity to Children

Trump’s Inhumanity to Children While Trump personally cares about children, the people that he let draft his budget (Mick Mulvaney, head of OMB), or copied from the Koch and Mercer funded American Heritage Foundation, had no respect for children at … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Education, EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, NIH, Oil, Politics, Regulations, Robert Mercer, Sea Level Rise, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, Zika Virus | Leave a comment

Trump on NIH: Not Making Americans Safe Again

Trump on NIH:  Not Making Americans Safe Again Trump is gutting the domestic budget by 10.5% to boost the military budget by 9%, or $54 billion.  But strangely, besides attacking climate science and clean energy, he has focused on the … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Budget | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump on Health: Not Americans First

Trump on Health:  Not Americans First The steep cuts to the National Institute of Health, and the hordes of Americans that will lose their healthcare by the Republican’s American Health Care Act, show that President Trump is really attacking American’s … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Donald Trump, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes | Leave a comment

NIH Funding Cuts in the Trump Budget

NIH Funding Cuts in the Trump Budget The NIH is under the Department Health and Human Services. H&HS in the OMB’s “America First, Make America Great Again” Budget is scheduled for a 17.9% cut of $15.1 billion down to $69 … Continue reading

Posted in Donald Trump, Education, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, University Funding | Leave a comment