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- UC Irvine Links From the Commitment to Inclusive Excellence Town Hall March 11, 2025
- Dependence of University of California Grants and Student Aid on Federal Grants November 10, 2024
- Looking Back Through Photos of “Were We Better Off Then” for President 45. August 24, 2024
- San Diego County, New Cancers and Cancer Deaths, 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Los Angeles County, California, Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths, 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Orange County, California, Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths From 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Leading Risk Factors for New Cancers in 2021 and Their Demographics August 2, 2024
- California Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths from 2017-2021 August 1, 2024
- Reduction in the Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths in the US and in California, Texas, Florida, and New York July 31, 2024
- Problems with Telepathy and Teleportation and their Supplementation with Science July 26, 2024
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Category Archives: UC Irvine Trees
A Tree Fell in the City, and Many Heard Its Cry For Help
A Tree Fell in the City, and Many Heard Its Cry For Help This of course is an opposite of the usual conundrum: “If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?” The poor tree is a … Continue reading
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Pictures of UC Irvine Trees
UC Irvine has over 24,000 trees on the campus, and 11,000 are in the central Aldrich park. I have been taking interesting pictures of some of them, locating them in convenient areas for walks or exploration, and identifying them. … Continue reading
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The Architecture of Trees versus that of Buildings
I used to like to take pictures of UCI buildings as I walked around the campus. Now I am fascinated by the trees. There are 53 types of trees in the central, circular area Aldrich Park. That is named in … Continue reading
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