Trumpnotcare Plan’s Excluding Pre-seniors Will Magnify Care Costs Later


Trumpnotcare Plan’s Excluding Pre-seniors Will Magnify Care Costs Later

Raising the price of the Trumpnotcare health plan sharply for pre-seniors will force them out of crucial basic health care for key treatments whose absence can be fatal.  If not fatal, they may be forced to live with disabilities which will increase their care costs later, especially when they become 65-year-old seniors, and enter Medicare.  The costs of these ubiquitous conditions will be passed forward for a small percentage tax cut for the rich, to greatly increase the Medicare costs which we all pay for throughout our careers.

While economists have been weighing in on the costs, cut benefits, and the tax cuts, we have yet to hear in detail from doctors who know what conditions will not be treated.  As usual in my blog, I am not an expert in whatever field that I am opining on, in this case medicine or healthcare. But in my own medical struggles, and in numerous health things sent to me, and in commercials targeted to my TV, certain basic problems are standard.

The first is high blood pressure.  Attach to that high cholesterol.  These can result in heart attacks or strokes.  Heart attacks can cause expensive operations, and strokes can be disabling. High blood pressure can be controlled by blood pressure monitoring along with inexpensive medicines. High cholesterol can be treated with low fat diet counseling, and inexpensive medicines.  Forcing people out of health plans in their late fifties and early sixties could cause these serious and potentially fatal heart conditions.

The next aging problem for an increasing number is diabetes.  Diabetes can contribute to many conditions, and is becoming more prevalent with increasing weight gain. Again, it can be treated with inexpensive medicines, and with a low sugar and dietary regimen, which should be periodically monitored with tests.

Thirdly, I see increasing mobility problems arising with age.  These can be treated with shots, medicines, exercise, and physical therapy.  Allowing people to suffer and get less mobile deprives them of being able to work as well.

Heart conditions, strokes, or mobility problems as pre-seniors takes the most experienced people out of work and puts them on care systems more expensive than preventative medical care plans.  We need for experts in health care, Medicare, and disability social economists to weigh in with the real costs of not providing inexpensive treatments to pre-seniors.  While Republicans are all about Jobs-Jobs-Jobs, they need healthy and experienced people to put into those jobs.

Even the top 1% of earners who will get all of a 2% tax cut, have to consider that most of their income arises from workers being healthy enough to work.  They should be willing to forgo the miniscule tax cut to protect the health of workers who bring them their high salaries and productive investments.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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