Solar Neutrinos and UC Irvine’s Reines Neutrino Group
This was intended to be a short lecture to the UC Irvine OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) to accompany Alex Filippenko’s The Teaching Company lecture 49 of the series Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy. His lecture 49 is entitled “Solar Neutrinos — Probes of the Sun’s Core”.
I started with the theory, and with Ray Davis and John Bahcall and the solar neutrino puzzle, of only seeing a fraction of the expected solar neutrinos.
I then covered the major neutrino experiments to determine neutrino oscillations of solar neutrinos and cosmic ray neutrinos.
I then cover the major Nobel Prizes associated with solar neutrinos.
Revisions are to be expected in my talk. Here it is: Solar Neutrinos and UC Irvine