Messages Trump and Republicans Are Sending to Teenagers
To Boys:
If you are even 17, you are not responsible for your actions, and can break any laws you want, and kidnap and assault anybody that you want. This isn’t true if you are a person of color, of course. But it is especially true if you grow up with the unique attitude that your President cannot be charged with a crime, while in office. Double that if you think that the President can pardon himself. And don’t forget to add the self-congratulatory story that the President has vetted you better than any President every did any nominee. Except, not your actions before you were 18 and a booze hound, apparently.
To Girls:
Unfortunately, you are entering a lifetime where your assault stories, whether verbal or physical, will not be believed. This is especially true as time passes. Even if you testify before the foremost guardian of American Justice, the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has to recommend all lifetime Federal Judicial appointments, you will find that the system is rigged against you in every way. Your antagonists on the committee will all be men, and all from states that are the most vicious in denying women equal rights, and in opposing decided Supreme Court rulings.
Don’t trust any boys, since they have now all been told by the President of These United States that your story is not believable.
To Boys again:
But, the President did say that girls should immediate report any assaults to the police. So don’t think that all girls will be shamed out of reporting your assault, with a definite location, date, time, and list of witnesses. So, don’t assault girls, and don’t get roaring drunk, or drugged.
To Girls again:
When you are 18 you can register to vote, and vote out all misogynists for the rest of your life.
To other readers:
The President said to report these crimes to the FBI. But they are state crimes, and go to the local police, as he later said. Glad somebody is educating the President, after two years in office. But, he still violated the Fifth Amendment in denying women Due Process Under Law. He also violated the 14th Amendment in not treating all people equally under the law. No previous President would publicly pre-judge a case.