Election Probabilities for the US, California, and CA 45th, 48th, and 49th from Nate Silver

Election Probabilities for the US, California, and CA 45th, 48th, and 49th, from Nate Silver

We present midterm election probabilities from Nate Silver, who uses multi-factor statistical analyses, covering US, California, and local house races.  The website is fivethirtyeight.com

The probability of the Democrats controlling the House is 84.5%, while the probability of the Republicans maintaining control is only 15.5%.  The center of the predicted split is 234 D to 201 R.  Wow.

The popular vote for the house is Democrats with an 8.8 point margin.  A margin greater than 5.5 leads to a Democratic House.

For the Senate, the probability of the Democrats taking control is only 1 in 5.  The probability of the Republicans maintaining control is 4 in 5.

Trump’s approval rating is at 42.6%, with 52.2% disapproving.

The house races can be classified into likelihood categories for seats as:

190 Solid D,   > 95% probability of a D win

18   Likely D,  > 75% D

8     Lean D,   >  60% D

21.  Toss up,  <  60% both.   2 of these 21 to D gives them the 218 majority!

19.  Lean R,   >  60% R

48   Likely R,  >  75% R

131 Solid R,   >  95% R

Adding these up gives 216 D, 198 R, with 21 toss-ups.  The Dems, then, would need only 7 of the toss-ups to make 223.

Prediction for CA 45th, Lean D:

D Katie Porter.   Win probability, 7 in 10.  Predicted vote 51.7%. 

R Mimi Walters. Win probability, 3 in 10,  Predicted vote 48.3%.

Prediction for CA 48th, Lean D:

D Harley Rouda.          Win probability, 2 in 3.  Predicted vote 51.4%.

R Dana Rohrabacher.  Win probability, 1 in 3.  Predicted vote 48.8%.

Prediction for CA 49th, Likely D:

D Mike Levin.     Win probability 19 in 20.  Predicted vote 55.1%.

R Diane Harkey. Win probability   1 in 20.  Predicted vote 44.9%.

California has 53 Representatives in the House.  Ratings are:

39 Solid D

2.  Likely D

3.  Lean D

1.  Toss up 

4.  Likely R

4.  Solid R

If we add these up, we get 44 D and 8 R, with one toss up, to make 53.  The current breakdown in the House from CA is 39 D and 14 R.  So this would be a gain of 5 for D and loss of 6 for R, with one toss-up.

The toss up California district is the 39th.  Democrat Gil Cisneros and Republican Young Kim are each given equal 1 in 2 chances.   The predicted outcome is the very close 50.1% to 49.9%, respectively. 

All three of the these races require dedicated campaign work.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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