The Trump Vacation Lottery

The Trump Vacation Lottery

With Trump spending two weeks on his golfing/twitter vacation, we can imagine some secret and anonymous bookies taking bets on various categories of Trump’s anomalous presidential behavior.

  1. How many tweets will Donald Trump chirp over the vacation?
  2. How many days of inclement weather will Trump be removed from his golf course and be devoted to tweeting?
  3. How many clever countertweets to Trump will be posted on his twitter site?
  4. How many contrary hashtags will be generated?  How many will view and and retweet them?
  5. How many amusing mimes will be generated?  How many will view and retweet them?
  6. How many times will Trump use the words “fake news”, “witch-hunt”, and “lamestream media.
  7. How many members of the House, elected by districts of 700,000 constituents, will he insult?
  8. How many Senators, elected by up to 40 million constituents, and up to the fifth largest economy in the world (California) will Trump insult?
  9. What percentage of the above legislators will be women?
  10. What percentage will be minorities?
  11. How many more government experts will be forced to retire?
  12. How many new appointments will just be qualified as only Trump loyalists.
  13. How many attacks will be raised against News persons?
  14. How many phone calls to Tucker Carlson will Trump have to make to get topics and orders, since Tucker is on vacation from Fox News?
  15. Trump was used to dominating air-time in the 2016 election. How will that compare to the total of the Democratic 20 League of Justice? 
  16. How many climate change enhanced climate or weather events will occur in the US during this period?
  17. How many climate change enhanced events will occur in the world?
  18. How many Trump tweets will affect the stock market?
  19. How many Trump tweets will affect American businesses?
  20. How many Trump tweets will violate the due process of law?
  21. How many lies will be added to Trump’s total?
  22. How many Tweets on @realDonaldTrump will be obviously written by a wiser White House official?
  23. How many puzzling tweets or retweets will have to be interpreted and explained or excused by the White House?  Apparently, there is already one on a conspiracy theory on Epstein’s suicide, blaming the Clintons.  Why?  Because Epstein was being held in Federal custody, and AG Barr and Trump bore ultimate responsibility.
  24. Finally, how many times will Trump kick golf balls out of the rough?  Unfortunately, that has always been Top Secret, and will remain so, forever.
  25. This was started as a humor article, but there is little humor left in Trump’s tweets and actions.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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