UC Irvine World Scores in the Times Higher Education Rankings
Scores are more explanatory than relative rankings. UC Irvine is ranked 96 among worldwide universities.
Our overall score was 62.7. This is a steady increase from our score of 54.1 in 2014, when we were ranked 93rd. Here is our score breakdown by category.
Teaching 44.5
Research 47.6
Citations 94.6. Amazing!
Industry Income 60.8
International Outlook. 69.3
The weightings of the various categories are: Teaching 27.5%, Research 27.5%, Citations 35%, Industry Income and innovation 2.5%, and International outlook 7.5%.
We were 7th in Young Universities of less than 50 years in 2015. Oddly we are 99th in US rankings in 2019.
UCI brings in over $300 million in research yearly to the region. Our endowment is over $500 million.
We have been ranked No. 1 in the US as the Greenest College by Sierra Magazine.
We were ranked #1 this year as the nation’s most affordable university by Forbes Magazine.
Our Times Higher Education US ranking is 99th. Our overall score is 68.4. The components of that score in four categories is:
Resources 16.2
Engagement. 16.7
Outcomes. 26.2
Environment. 9.3
In 2017, we were ranked 142 in the US, and in 2018 we ranked 139 in the US, so the 99 in 2019 is a large improvement.
24% of UC Irvine’s students are international.
Out of State tuition and fees total $40,042.
On-campus Room and Board is $13,429.
The number of students per staff member is 16.7.
The student ratio of females to males is 53:47.
The number of FTE students is 31,089.
The salary of bachelor’s after 10 years is $55,133.