All Hail, Dictator Trump

All Hail, Dictator Trump

This morning, HRH Donald “The Don” Trump became America’s Dictator.

The Republican Senate, to a Republican person, voted to table all new evidence in the mock impeachment “trial”.  Despite 12 hours of careful and convincing arguments by the House team, led by Representatives Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, there will be no subpoenaed documents, and no key witnesses testifying.  The Republican position was embarrassed by the White House lawyers lying about the fairness of the House investigation, and distortion of the facts.

Even if the conspiratorial witnesses were called, I predicted a while back that they would all plead the Fifth, and little would be learned, except that they knew that they were guilty.  The only exception might be former National Security Advisor John Bolton, who openly refused to go along with what he called the “Drug Deal”.

The Braggart in the White House could not restrain himself, and declared victory:  “We Have All the Material, They Don’t”.  Thanks for publicly confessing to the second impeachment charge.  That will probably be the only phrase of this episode that will survive down the ages.  Until he crowns himself Emperor, as Napoleon Bonaparte did.

The fate of the “Trial” is now predictably “Not Guilty”, as it always really was.  This is the Second Passage of Trump through the Valley of Political Death, the first being the unmotivating testimony of Special Counsel Mueller on the Russian Collusion of the 2016 Presidential Election, and Trump’s subsequent 10 counts of Obstruction of the investigation. 

This means that Trump is now truly Dictator Trump.  Unregulated, unexaminable, and unimpeachable by the US Congress.  Trump’s AG Bill Barr, also argues that the President is uncontrolled by the law and the courts.

Remember what happened the Day After the Mueller testimony?  Trump’s “We Need a Favor”, the Most Perfect Phone Call Ever, on the Memorial Date of July 25, 2019, which is soon to become a national holiday.  Even after the impeachment hearings began in the House, Trumps Personal Lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was in Europe, still seeking dirt on the Bidens.  He also imitated Indian Jones with “The Raiders of the Lost Server”, which is still Lost in Ukraine, and will prove that unnamed Ukrainians hacked the DNC and DNCC computers, and that of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager, John Podesta, just like Russia’s new Czar Putin claimed.

Following Trump’s history, when he is declared Not Guilty, he will launch yet another campaign of interfering in the integrity of the 2020 election, backed by “Stonewall” Mitch and Attorney General Bill “Trump is King” Barr. 

The only question remaining, is when does First Lady Melania Trump get the title of Her Royal Highness.  Usually, Royal Titles have to be inherited, but not when you are starting a new dynasty, The Trump Dynasty.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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