Saving Global Lives by Coronavirus Masking by IHME, and Projected Leading Countries for Deaths

We use the IHME Global projections to show that 38% of Global Deaths to January 1 can be saved by total masking.  We also show the countries with leading numbers of deaths by January 1 in IHME projections, and the number of lives that can be saved in those by masking.

The IHME projects 2.778 million deaths by the Coronavirus by January 1, 2021.  With 95% masking, that can be reduced to 2.063 million deaths, saving 715,000 lives.

Currently, the Global deaths by the Coronavirus is 0.923 million.  This means that 1.855 million more will die by January 1 in the projections.  The ratio of the 0.715 million to the 1.855 million is 0.385.  So 38.5% of new deaths by January 1 can be saved by masking.

It has now been shown that wearing a mask reduces the risk of infection to the wearer by 2/3.  It also limits the spread of droplets and aerosols from the wearer to others.  Social distancing reduces the risk of catching the virus to 1/10 the risk of not social distancing.

We present a table of leading countries with Projected Deaths on January 1.  We first list in the table the Present Deaths in those countries, then follow Projected Deaths with Deaths with Masking, and end with Lives Saved by Masking.  The projections are from the Sept. 11 IHME projections.  We stopped the list at 20,000 projected deaths.

Country Present Deaths Projected Deaths Deaths with Masking Lives Saved by Masking
India 78,586 646,794 458,081 188,713
US 194,069 415,090 298,589 116,501
Brazil 131,625 185,495 169,066 16,429
Mexico 70,821 138,416 129,218 9,198
Russia 18,517 104,416 31,096 73,320
France 30,903 80,829 66,732 14,097
UK 41,717 69,548 59,819 9,729
Spain 29,747 67,651 65,593 2,058
Italy 35,610 61,209 46,364 14,845
Philippines 4,371 57,850 57,457 393
Turkey 7,056 53,658 49,301 4,357
Iran 23,157 44,509 29,539 14,970
Peru 30,526 44,415 44,201 214
Iraq 8,019 31,181 17,195 13,986
Germany 9,354 29,505 12,002 17,503
Indonesia 8,723 28,960 20,330 8,630
Canada 9,220 26,042 19,200 6,842
Netherlands 6,292 24,836 8,410 16,426
Bangladesh 4,733 24,611 8,878 15,733
S. Africa 15,447 20,340 19,646 694

The three countries with the largest number of lives saved by masking are India with 189,000, the US with 117,000, and Russia with 73,000.  Together, they add up to 378,534 lives saved, or 53% of the world total.  India alone makes up 26% of the world total of savable lives by masking, and the US is 16%.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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