Trump’s Three Stolen Supreme Court Positions
It is Supremely Ironic that Trump’s three Supreme Court Positions to the highest Law and Order Court in the land, will all occur by acts of thievery, largely by Mitch McConnell, with Trump’s collusion.
A half day after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump is saying that he must flex his powers and nominate a new Justice, despite being 45 days before the Presidential election. This is because the people who elected him demand it, despite him not even achieving a majority of voters. Trump’s choice will be a maximal display of using Presidential powers to get himself reelected. Instead of choosing the best Justice to serve 45 years, he will clearly be choosing the one to get him the most votes in the next 45 days.
Trump’s only recognition and honoring of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so far is a tweet written by somebody else. I have a beef with that. The author called RBG a Titan. You don’t compare one of the three religious Jewish Justices to a Pagan god. That clearly violates the Second Commandment.
Trump may choose a Conservative, anti-abortion woman Justice, in order to both enhance his Evangelical and Catholic vote, and his sinking support among women. Ginsburg also supported gay marriage, and LGBTQ employment rights. Yet, for 45 years, the appointment would be like that of Justice Clarence Thomas, an African American Justice, who shows no concern for African American rights. It would also be an insult to RBG, who was the leader in establishing women’s rights under the law.
The thievery of the first and third appointments is obvious, the First stolen by McConnell, although vacant for eight months before an election, and verified stolen by McConnells reverse and hypocrisy yesterday in making an appointment with only 45 days to go, which is the Third theft.
The Second theft was appointing an alleged sexual assaulter, shoved through by a rushed and minimal investigation of only one charge by the White House. Later, a second accuser came forward, who was known but not investigated by the White House. It’s almost enough to drive one to drink Beer, Beer, and more Beer.
We cannot fail to mention the associated theft of 104 lifelong federal judgeships which Mitch “Stonewall” McConnell stole from President Obama by blocking any consideration of them in the Senate. This will bring the Trump-McConnell federal judicial appointees to over 300.
It’s sad that on a day at which the United States has reached 200,000 deaths from the Coronavirus, the Nation’s attention is now being deflected to a Supreme Court appointment. This helps Trump enormously, but bodes ill to another 215,000 Americans projected to die by January 1. The crucial holiday season will be an exponential explosion of deaths unless we have strong leadership in prevention.
This Gang of Three Trumpers will be meeting, agreeing, and judging together in lockstep for decades. Each ruling out of step with mainstream America will be mourned for decades as a legacy of Trump Thievery.