Trump’s Pandemic Ship of Fools

Pandemic Ship of Fools

Ship of Pandemic Fools

Ship of A Pandemic Fool

Ship of Pandemic Foolers

Fools of a Pandemic Ship

Fooling a Pandemic Ship

Sinking Pandemic Fools

Abandon a Ship of Pandemic Fools by Voting

I was looking for a sign, and hoping, that out of the President’s, his wife’s, and his infected colleagues suffering, that he would endorse preventative measures to avoid the pandemic.  Very unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, he continued to belittle the dangers and infectiousness of the Coronavirus, telling us not to let it rule our lives.  “Don’t be afraid of Covid.  Don’t let it dominate your life.” “I feel better than I did 20 years ago.”

This after allowing a dozen of his colleagues to be dangerously infected, by belittling and opposing mask wearing, social distancing, avoidance of large groups, and meetings unmasked in small rooms.

It was also very insulting to all those hospitalized, when he had the best medical care on earth, and the ability to try a limited and unapproved medicine as Regeneron’s (REGN-Cov2), rather than being stuck in a hallway and treated by hospital workers without fresh PPEs.

By the way, Remdesivir was created in 2009, not by Donald Trump.  Dexamethasone was developed in 1957, when Trump was 11.  Of course, the Regeneron monoclonal antibody mix REGN-Cov2 had to be created to fight the specific Covid-19.

Then, to risk more workers and secret service with hospital office and limousine photo-ops.  Just to boost the Trump superego to see the dozen supporters in front of the hospital.

Clearly, VP Pence had contact with the infectious Press office, and probably being debate prepped by them.  He was at the infectious Supreme Court mixer last Saturday.  Sending him to the VP debate with Senator Kamala Harris on Wednesday is really an aggressive move to infect her.  The Democrats should postpone the debate immediately, instead of giving in.

My conditions for the debate would be to put them at extreme ends of the stage.  To keep their masks on all the time, even when speaking.  To put three glass barriers between them which completely cover the stage.  To install four giant fans between them and between the barriers, aimed at the auditorium.  Clearly, you can’t have anybody exposed in the auditorium.  Especially not having unmasked members of the President’s family, violating the agreed on protocols.  And not to have any mixing between the opposing campaign groups.

“Thursday, Thursday, what a mystery?  Will we ever uncover the truth?  Who cares.  The dishonesty and misinformation costing 210,000 lives began on day one, at the end of January.  It is just being repeated with the President’s health status today.

There is now also a pastor from Southern California, another press aide, and a military aide.  The White House is not warning or tracking the attendees at the Supreme Court candidate introduction.  Add a Coast Guard Admiral who attended a ceremony at the White House with the President, which forces the Joint Chiefs to quarantine.


Lock Him Up?

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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