Trump’s “Protective Glow”

Trump’s “Protective Glow”

Disclaimer:  In this day and age, I have to state that this article is an attempt at humor, and is not a serious conspiracy theory article.  However, if you still think it is, I know of a Vibranium Bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

It’s a little too early to be watching Christmas movies, so “you could even say it glows” wouldn’t have popped into Trump’s head, referring to Rudolph’s nose.  However, I vaguely recall a heart test that could have left some radioactivity, but I wasn’t warned about a “glow”.  Or is this just another example of steroids boosting the Trumpus Maximus Ego syndrome?

However, recently Trump revealed to Bob Woodward, on tape, that we had a new atomic weapon that even the Russians didn’t know about.  Atomic means radiation, which means a glow.  So could this be a Shield of Invulnerability?  Is Vibranium real?  Is Trump’s Glow the same as Captain America’s shield, but thin, light, and invisible except for that orange glow?  Or, is it made out of Wonder Woman’s arm bracelets or lasso?  Certainly, a radiation shield would also kill virus particles.  But if there was a reason to stay 6 feet away from the President in the past, this is another reason to do so.  

Trump keeps trying to pin the tag “Communist” on run-of-the-mill Democrats.  But leaking our secret weapon to Putin, Xi, and Kim sounds like more of a Communist friendly move.

Is this a hidden reason that Trump recruited a Neurological Radiologist, Dr. Scott Atlas, to be his Coronavirus advisor?  Have I said to much already to tip off the Russians?

By the way, why did Trump say that his treatment made him feel 20 years younger?  Has he really been aging like the rest of us?  Does he really need 12 doctors?  Did he not realize that instead of impressing us with how important he was, that it might just send the other message of how sick he was?  Or how difficult it is to treat the Coronavirus?

Trump must have had a falling out with Regeneron, because he is now saying that he is so strong that he could have gotten well by himself.  Regeneron said that Trump was just one case, and didn’t prove anything, destroying Trump’s miraculous intervention case.

But it could just be the glow of the Golden Boy, who was a millionaire as a child.  Trump has always had his Golden ‘Trump’ sign atop any of his properties.  He also always over-sells his wealth, except to the IRS, of course.  But the New York Times revealed that the New York Tax Department doesn’t agree with “if you’re a star, they always let you do it”.  

There is an old phrase “He who has the Gold, has the Power”.  The NY Times has shown that Trump was playing “He who has the Power, gets the Gold”, with 200 companies booking with Trump properties and getting government contracts and favors.  The tax analysis also showed that Trump directed $20 million from his companies into his 2016 campaign funds.

Last summer, there were 22 skin care products with “glow”.  Does Trump use all of these?

Does Glitter enhance Glow, or cover it up?  We need to know.  Maybe in the last debate, it could be Trump’s Glow versus Biden’s Glitter.  If anybody actually answers the question they were asked, wake me up.  They should rename Debates to Detours.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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