Trump’s Last Days Election Assaults

Trump’s Last Days Election Assaults

Update:  After I had written and posted this, I came across this article in The Hill and the Stanford Economics Department paper, that 18 Trump rallies led to 30,000 COVID-19 cases, and 700 deaths.  The rallies were between June 20 and September 22.

Trump is hitting key swing states with a maximum assault in these last few days and weeks before the election.  Normally, citizens in Centerville or West End are impressed that a Presidential candidate came to and therefore cares about their small town, and therefore, them, in person.  Actually, of course, what Trump cares about is that there are votes you have in a battleground state that he desperately needs, because the polls are correct:  he is in danger of losing your state.

But in the days of the Plague, Trump is really making a Pandemic Assault on your city.  This shows that Trump not only does not care about you or your city, but is willing to sacrifice the health of you, your family, your friends, and your city in pursuance of four more years of his Kingly Rule over America.

Trump’s Infectathon events MAXIMIZE the spread of the Pandemic!!!  First, he is not just gathering you and your neighbors.  He is gathering all of the people from your State who follow his Cult, and ignore ALL of the protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.  Because of that, they are the most likely to be INFECTED, the most likely to believe that it is a HOAX or no worse than the FLU, and to show up at events even when sick, or even asymptomatic but after a contact with five assistants known to have tested positive, like Vice President Pence does!  (With the all caps, you can see that I have learned well from the Master Tweeter.)

But it is even worse than that!  At these events, the Cult pushes together as densely packed as possible.  Then they sit or stand for hours until the Master arrives, to repeat the same trolls that he has for years.  The Cult show their loyalty by not wearing their masks, and by not social distancing.  The number of the Cult present at the rally exceeds the size of allowed groups in your city or State by a factor of 100 or more, and they do this with impudence!  We just learned that for many events, the Cult is transported to the hanger by crowded, closed buses, and bussed out after the virus has spread.  During Trump’s Insultathon, the Cult will cheer and chant unconstitutional dogma, like Lock (Him or Her) Up.  USA, USA, where else are we?  The audience will also be treated to stirring and popular music, either illegally being broadcast without paying the artists for it, or from musicians who are publicly opposed to the President and quite forward about it. 

But we are not even done about the Spread.  During Trump’s Rant, the one Man who could be most influential in stopping the Pandemic and its Suffering, will do everything he can to continue spreading it.  He will not only not urge his Cult to wear their masks, he will insult anybody wearing masks, like the Press, and his opponent, Joe Biden.  While Doctors, Nurses, and health care workers have undergone nine months of stress and high risk in caring for those affected by the Plague, Trump has now gone into the gutter and insulted them as if they were declaring more deaths and cases as due to the Coronavirus, just to get paid more.  That is being denied by the media, and Medical Societies have condemned Trump’s insults.  Trump, himself, has a history of subverting his doctors.  Trump has also replaced his most experienced health doctors and advisors, with those who want to infect everybody.

Finally, the Cult is going to go out in the community, and then back home, even more firmly convinced that Covid, Covid, Covid is a hoax, and abandoning all hope, no matter where they enter.

Post Rally:  Trump is now saying that Biden will deny you Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The message is to keep spreading the Pandemic during these traditional family events.

Even the data are in.  The Pandemic has surged in 14 of the 17 communities where Trump earlier had held rallies.  Many of the Cult that showed up, are not even from your community.

If Trump can sow doubt about everything that you have held dear, just realize, that it is simpler to just assume that Trump is the problem, not everything else.

Since this is a political article, we note the preponderance of multiples of threes, three days before the election.  In 2016, each party scored about 60 million votes, with Clinton exceeding Trump by 3 million.  So far, there have been about 90 million votes counted by today.  About 60 million have been by cast by mail, and 30 million in person.  In 2016, the vote counts were close to 63 million for Trump, and 66 million for Hillary.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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