Trump has Four or Maybe Five Cases for Impeachment

Update:  Donald John Trump was impeached on June 13, 2021 for “incitement to insurrection” by a vote of 232 for to 197 against.  That 35 vote conviction was aided by 10 Republican votes.  All Democrats except 1 non-vote backed conviction.  4 Republicans did not vote.  Without the crossover Republicans, the conviction would have been by 15 votes.  The trial in the Senate may be delayed beyond January 20.  I feel sorry for the National Guard having to sleep on the hard floor of the Capitol building and other sites around the Capital and state capitals.

Trump has Four or Maybe Five Cases for Impeachment

  1. Russia, Russia, Russia
  2. Kyiv, Kyiv, Kyiv
  3. Georgia, Georgia, Georgia
  4. Capitol, Capitol, Capitol
  5. Maybe Putin, Putin, Putin

Why does Trump continually deny Russian hacking?  What does Putin have on Trump?  Everybody wants to know. Now that 250 hackings of Federal agencies and businesses have occurred this year, and US intelligence has determined it is due to Russia, why does Trump continue to deny it?  This undermines the security of US government agencies and US businesses.  Without attribution, we can take no real defensive or punitive actions.

There is also the abuse of the Presidential Pardon, which has already occurred in Trump pardoning those who “didn’t rat him out”.  He has also pardoned people who may pay him off in the future.  After Donald Trump Jr.’s incitement to riot on January 6, he clearly needs a pardon, although that will also mean that Trump himself, Rudy Giuliani, and Republican Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama also could be to blame for the riot, and Trump may also pardon all of them.  That reasoning applies to all of Giuliani’s efforts.  Trump may also pardon more of his family, for violations which we don’t even know about.  There is also the impeachment annihilating self-pardon which Trump may try.

While armed militia demonstrations are threatened in Washington D.C. and all state Capitals on January 17 to 20th, in addition to the Capitol insurrection incited by Trump, we definitely have to attempt to prevent any such future attacks in the nation’s future by impeachment of Trump, whether or not the Senate avoids a real trial as in the first impeachment, and votes by Party line to not convict.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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