Clinton Almost Sweeps Northeast, or Clinton gains 58 more delegates edge
You get your choice of the blaring TV headline, or the actual slow delegate growth of the proportional Democratic primaries. I take the latter, and will bore you with the numbers.
We look at the delegates, which is what counts to get the nomination. Yes, Clinton won 4 of the 5 April 26 primaries. Here are the delegate counts of the five states, with Clinton’s first:
Rhode Island….11……13.
Yes, Sanders won Rhode Island, but only got a two delegate lead. This is because unless a district with 6 delegates has a 16.6% lead for the leading candidate, it is a wash at 3-3 delegate split. Odd 5 or 7 delegate districts automatically split 3-2 or 4-3 even with a minuscule lead. Go figure (probably a dated phrase).
Clinton won Connecticut, but only got a two delegate lead (Yawn).
Clinton won Delaware, but only got a 3 delegate lead (Would have preferred a t-shirt).
One big lead of 28 came in Pennsylvania, where the Democratic result is immediately clear and above board, as opposed to the Republican mishegas of an enigma wrapped in a Philly cheesesteak, smothered in onions.
The other big lead of 27 came in Maryland.
Her total lead gained 58. We should remember that last week she also gained 31 in her Northeast home of New York.
With 2383 needed for the Democratic nomination, Clinton now has 1650 pledged plus 519 Superdelegates for a total of 2169 delegates. She is only 214 delegates short, or has 91% of the needed delegates. Sanders now has 1348 pledged plus 39 Superdelegates for a total of 1387 delegates. He is 996 short, or has 58% of the needed delegates.