Category Archives: EPA

We Need a Mathematics for Obsequiousness

We Need a Mathematics for Obsequiousness Since Trump scores his cabinet, Congress, and reporters on their obsequiousness, we are in dire need of a scale to measure this.  We also need to add questions on standard requests for government jobs … Continue reading

Posted in Donald Trump, EPA, Humor, Mathematics, Russia, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic | Leave a comment

Trump Muddies the Swamp: Shine, Wheeler, Pruitt, and the New Justice

Trump Muddies the Swamp: Shine, Wheeler, Pruitt, and the New Justice Trump just hired Bill Shine as head of White House Communications. Shine is the former defender of Fox News head Roger Ailes from sexual harassment charges. Shine was fired … Continue reading

Posted in California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coal, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, EPA, FBI Director, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Paris Climate Agreement, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, White House | Leave a comment

Dear Donald, Please Keep Your Clowns Giuliani and Pruitt in Office. Signed, A Democrat

Dear Donald, Please Keep Your Clowns Giuliani and Pruitt in Office. Signed, A Democrat Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt are invaluable clowns who daily embarrass Trump and his administration. They are worth hundreds of millions of … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Air Quality, CAFE Standards, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Donald Trump, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Humor, Movie Analogies, Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil, Paris Climate Agreement, Renewable Energy, Sea Level Rise, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, White House | Leave a comment

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million Let us look at the total effect of Trump’s lies by the end of his term of office, compounded by the best liars in … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Air Quality, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, Endangered Species Act, EPA, Humor, Politics, Regulations, Secrecy, Secretary of the Interior Zinke, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes, Trump Truthiness, White House | Leave a comment

Southern California Air Pollution Data from the American Lung Association

Southern California Air Pollution Data from the American Lung Association The American Lung Association ( in “State of the Air 2018” has good data and presentations on US air pollution, and those susceptible to it.  Here, we will cover areas … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, American Lung Association, California Smog, Children, Donald Trump, EPA, Health Care, Los Angeles Congested Traffic, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

We Are a Third, to a Half, to Completely Surviving Trump

We Are a Third, to a Half, to Completely Surviving Trump Under reasonable scenarios, we are a third to a half way to surviving Trump, and possibly even at the end of his effectiveness. This is cause for celebration, oddly, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Congress, Donald Trump, EPA, Paris Climate Agreement, Regulations, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump Taxes | Leave a comment

The Medical Absurdity of Scott Pruitt’s Transparent Only Research

The Medical Absurdity of Scott Pruitt’s Transparent Only Research Scott Pruitt is the Trump Administrator of the EPA. He is backed by oilman Harold Hamm, the richest man in Oklahoma. I have no illusions that his actions are his alone, … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, CAFE Standards, California Smog, Clean Energy, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Donald Trump, EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, NIH, Regulations, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Least Transparent Cabinet Member, Demands Science Transparency

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Least Transparent Cabinet Member, Demands Science Transparency Maximal Hypocrisy Achieved!  Much better than a simple Trump Mission Accomplished! Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the EPA, has required that only completely transparent studies with fully published data, … Continue reading

Posted in EPA, Regulations, Secrecy, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Why Stakeholders in Infrastructure May Want to Obey Regulations

Why Stakeholders in Infrastructure May Want to Obey Regulations Trump’s avoidance of regulations in Infrastructure Projects is not good for the public in the long range. It’s also not good for the state and local governments or businesses that will … Continue reading

Posted in California Federal Funding, California Water, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, EPA, Infrastructure, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

Scott Pruitt, In His Excess, May Have Violated the Hatch Act

Scott Pruitt, In His Excess, May Have Violated the Hatch Act Scott Pruitt, Destructor of the EPA, has brought in Definers Public Affairs, associated with a Republican group, America Rising, that digs up scurrilous background material on candidates, in order … Continue reading

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