Category Archives: Omicron Variant

IHME Projects USA Declining Cases, with Rise in the Fall

The monthly IHME run on July 15 was reported on July 18. Total Deaths for the USA will total 1,332,288 in the model on November 1, 2020.  With 1,297,997 modeled today July 20, there are 34,291 more Total Deaths to … Continue reading

Posted in BA.5 Variant, Coronavirus, COVID-19, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Projections of May 16 for the US, California, Texas, Florida and New York

We present the IHME projections of May 16 for the US, California, Texas, Florida, and New York in Total Deaths and compare it to Reported Deaths for August 1.  We also show the Deaths to Go to August 1, and … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

Coronavirus Death and Infection Rates in WHO European Region Countries

Coronavirus Death and Infection Rates in WHO European Region Countries in the IHME Model Run of April 7.  This region has 53 countries, including Russia, and a population of about 900 million. As of August 1, the projection is 3.620 … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Uncategorized, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

World Projections of Total Pandemic Deaths Versus Reported Deaths

World Projections of Total Pandemic Deaths Versus Reported Deaths The NY Times reports that the World Health Organization was ready to report the Total Deaths from the Covid pandemic, but was held up by India.  The Times also said that … Continue reading

Posted in American Carnage, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Russia, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

April IHME Shows China Covid Projected Deaths Reduced to 28% of Previous One

April IHME Shows China Covid Projected Deaths Reduced to 28% of the March Projection Total Deaths The March IHME Covid projection for China showed 615,000 deaths to July 1, but did not include any reduction in mobility.  This was contrary … Continue reading

Posted in China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Forecast of Rising Covid Deaths in South-East Asia

IHME Forecast of Rising Covid Deaths in South-East Asia Although most of the world’s future Omicron deaths are projected in China, Indonesia will had a daily death rate about half of that last year.  Viet Nam and the Republic of … Continue reading

Posted in China, Coronavirus, Cosmology, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant | Leave a comment

The IHME Forecasts 615,000 Covid Deaths in China by July 1

IHME Forecasts 615,000 Covid Deaths in China by July 1 The new March 21 IHME projection has increased the death toll from Covid for China and pushed it two and a half months further into the future than the run … Continue reading

Posted in China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME California Covid Projections Continue Rapid Die-off of Omicron

IHME California Covid Projections Continue Rapid Die-off of Omicron First of all, the Total Deaths modeled in the IHME are about 20% greater than the Recorded Deaths.  The IHME projections for Total Deaths in California by June 1 are 105,069, … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Projects Sharp Rise in Covid Cases in China

IHME Projects Sharp Rise in Covid Cases in China Update, March 15:  China is just starting to see increased cases, so the projections here may actually be more accurate if shifted to later dates.  However, we now note that in … Continue reading

Posted in China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

US Covid Projections by IHME Continue Rapid Drops as of the February 17th Run

US Covid Projections by IHME Continue Rapid Falls as of February 17 Run The IHME projections do not consider another variant arising after the Fall of Omicron.  However, they do warn of a possible new variant in the fall or … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment