Category Archives: Russia

IHME Global Covid Deaths Modeled at More Than Twice that which are Reported

IHME Global Covid Deaths Modeled at More Than Twice that which are Reported  The bad news is that the IHME model of total Covid deaths, as of April 1, 2023 of 18.6 million, will be more than twice that which … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Russia, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Global Covid Projections to February, 2023

The Global Death Rate from Covid will remain relatively low through the next three months, only increasing from about 1,660 to about 2,750 per day, or 65%.  The modeled Total Death rate is about 1.7 times the Global Reported Death … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, BA.5 Variant, China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, IHME Projections, Russia, Ukraine, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

Freedom on the Net 2022 Ratings by Country

Freedom on the Internet and in social media in 2021-22 shows that only 18% of global internet users are assessed as Free, 34% as Partly Free, and 37% as Not Free.  11% are in countries that were not assessed.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Algorithms, Big Data, China, Communications, Cybersecurity, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Infrastructure, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Putin, Religion, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Nations | Leave a comment

Democracy Survey Details of Countries of Current Concern

We go back to the International Democracy Survey of 2022 and focus in more detail on countries of current concern to understand how they have entrapped and suppressed their populations to live in dictatorships. The first two components are the … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Affairs of State, California Oil, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, Donald Trump, Economies, First Amendment, Fossil Fuel Energy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Gasoline, Immigration Policy, Iran, Middle East, Natural Gas, Oil, Politics, Putin, Religion, Russia, Saudi Oil Imports, Ukraine, US Oil, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage, Yemen | Leave a comment

The Segments and Measures of Inflation

The Ssgments and Measures of Inflation Unfortunately, the unjustified and illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the necessary isolation and sanctions on Russia have caused limited fossil fuel resources, and resulting inflation.  This will be compounded by a world … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Economies, Gasoline, Income, Inflation, Natural Gas, Poverty, Russia, Ukraine, US Oil | Leave a comment

Russians, Look Up! Every Time Putin Makes a Nuclear Threat, It is Also Against You.

Russians Look Up:  Every Time Putin Makes a Nuclear Threat, It is Also Against You Nobody knows, but Ukraine, the US, Russia, and all other major countries must be making plans for a response to whatever kind of nuclear attack … Continue reading

Posted in China, Iran, NATO, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Putin, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine | Leave a comment

World Projections of Total Pandemic Deaths Versus Reported Deaths

World Projections of Total Pandemic Deaths Versus Reported Deaths The NY Times reports that the World Health Organization was ready to report the Total Deaths from the Covid pandemic, but was held up by India.  The Times also said that … Continue reading

Posted in American Carnage, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Russia, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

Putin Has Released the Demons, Who Will Return to Russia

Putin Has Released the Demons, Who Will Return to Russia The Russian soldiers in Ukraine know what they have ravaged as an army, Air Force, and navy, and also as individuals.  They know or will soon know that almost all … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, Ukraine | Leave a comment

The Slap Heard ‘Round the World, and US, Ukraine, and Nuclear Violence

The Slap Heard ‘Round the World, and US, Ukraine, and Nuclear Violence I have retreated from further commenting on the Ukraine genocide because of the sadness of what is going on and the feeling and reality of helplessness to stop … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, American Carnage, Assault Weapons, China, Climate Change, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, Department of Defense, Donald Trump, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Gun Control, Humor, Impeachment, NATO, Natural Gas, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Weapons, Physics in Movies, Politics, Russia, Supreme Court, Trump Impeachment, Trump Insurrection, Ukraine, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage | Leave a comment

US Petroleum Use, Production, and Import-Export from the EIA

US Petroleum and Gasoline Use, Production, and Import-Export from the EIA.  The US EIA or Energy Information Administration clearly distinguishes between total Petroeum, and that which goes into gasoline.  This helps clear up some import-export and energy independence statements. In … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Fossil Fuel Energy, Oil, Russia, Saudi Oil Imports, Texas, Trade With Mexico, Ukraine, US Oil, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage | Leave a comment