Category Archives: SETI

@Real Interstellar Communication Would Be Trumpian

@Real Interstellar Communication Would Be Trumpian We all know that for a universal communication with extraterrestrials, scientists have almost always proposed some universal mathematical or superior physical concepts.  This assumes that aliens on the other end are also super mathematicians … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Communications, Exoplanets, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Humor, Life in the Universe, Physics in Movies, Politics, SETI, Space Travel, Trump Truthiness | Tagged | Leave a comment

SETI, UFOs, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and Donald Trump

SETI, UFOs, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and Donald Trump Even the famous Dennis Overbye of the NY Times has written on SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) and UFO’s, Actually, Overbye’s article was confined to reporting. While I tried hard for … Continue reading

Posted in Fossil Fuel Energy, Humor, Life in the Universe, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Nuclear Weapons, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, SETI, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment