Category Archives: Smog worldwide

Climate Change in the Second Trump Reich

Climate Change in the Second Trump Reich In the last few weeks, events involving Donald Trump have completely dumped the responsible US plans under President Biden to reduce and eventually end the US contributions to climate change. Briefly, the events … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Department of Energy, Donald Trump, Electric Cars, Electric Power, EPA, First Amendment, Fossil Fuel Energy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Natural Gas, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Science Funding, Sea Level Rise, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump on Climate Change, University Funding, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

Battleground Orange County, CA, On Fire, with Worst Air Ever

Battleground Orange County, CA, On Fire, with Worst Air Ever It is shocking to wake up with the smell of smoke, and then to go outside and discover that the sunrise is blurred by smoke and the air is full … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Air Quality, American Carnage, American Lung Association, California Smog, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Donald Trump, Earth, Fire Risks, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Care, Katie Porter, Politics, Sea Level Rise, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, UC Irvine, World Smog | Leave a comment

California Wildfires Set Records

Western California, Oregon and Washington wildfires have the worst air pollution on earth.  California wildfires have passed a record 3 million acres, or 4,700 square miles.  There are over 100 fires burning. CNN Calfire fire locations.  There have been 20 … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Fire Risks, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Climate Change Makes a Dramatic Election Reemergence

I was expecting a small hurricane or so to occur sometime during the election, to remind us of climate change.  Climate change has taken a far back seat to the pandemic, and the destruction of our economy in the poor … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Air Quality, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Coastal Flooding, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Fire Risks, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Houston Flooding, Hurricane Laura, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Physics Questions About the Spread of Viruses

Physics Questions About the Spread of Viruses I haven’t investigated these questions, but I also don’t yet see definitive answers about them with the new COVID-19 virus.  I was a physicist, but only on a nuclear scale, 10^5 times smaller … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Global Health Security Index, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Care, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Trump’s Proposed NOAA Budget Cuts, and the Actual Increases

NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.   From their website, their Mission is:  “To understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Donald Trump, Fire Risks, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, NOAA, Ocean Acidification, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump on Climate Change, US Flood Maps, World Smog | Leave a comment

Trump’s Climate Change Denial Con and His Activities

Trump’s Climate Change Denial Con and His Activities I wrote before, that the plan of the Cons that Trump carries out is to act 100% like the Con is actually true.  I even invented a fictitious book that Trump is … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Air Travel Emissions, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Oil, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Conservation, Donald Trump, Electric Cars, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fossil Fuel Energy, Global Climate Action Summit, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Humor, Hybrid Cars, Ocean Acidification, Paris Climate Accord, Regulations, Smog worldwide, Transportation, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

Trump Does Not Misunderstand Air Pollution, He Hides It

Trump Does Not Misunderstand Air Pollution, He Hides It The G20 reporting claims that Trump confuses air pollution with climate change.  But Trump is also sweeping harmful US air pollution under the rug as well.  He doesn’t misunderstand them.   … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Air Quality, American Lung Association, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Smog, Climate Science, Donald Trump, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Oil, Paris Climate Agreement, Smog worldwide, World Smog | Leave a comment

United States Scores and Rankings in the 2018 Environmental Performance Index

United States Scores and Rankings in the 2018 Environmental Performance Index The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is an assessment and ranking performed by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Clean Energy, Earth, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment