Category Archives: Turkey

If Only Trump Had Been There

If Only Trump Had Been There In one phone call, Trump solved the Turkish, Syrian, Russian and maybe Kurd problem, which hadn’t been solved in decades.  Or, it was negotiated by VP Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo.  Or, it … Continue reading

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Our Turkish Nightmare

Our Turkish Nightmare I have joked (?) around about Trump’s bullying as being pre-kindergarten, and his vocabulary being at about the same level.  I had even speculated that that was the age that Trump’s brain froze at.  Today, Trump called … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Trump Administration, Turkey | Tagged | Leave a comment

Can the People of the World Stop Turkey?

Can the People of the World Stop Turkey? I’m sure we are all alarmed the way Turkey is waging modern warfare on our allies, the Kurds in Northern Syria, who fought and captured ISIS warriors, for us!  Turkey is going … Continue reading

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