The Trump Reality Show Will Last Throughout His Term

The Trump Reality Show Will Last Throughout His Term

Given the starting week surprises of ATE (After Trump was Elected), it appears that his reign will not be like any dull administration.  It will be more amazing than the Kardashian reality show with a cast of unusual characters and some remarkable development each week for each of the characters.  I am not limiting the cast to the Trump family. 

We have the alt-right haters and paranoid conspiratorial creators, starting with Steve Bannon of Breitbart, the Trump regime’s strategy czar.  Next is Frank Gaffney (my political correctness does not even allow me to discuss this character).  If these guys last until the inauguration, I will be really surprised and afraid.  Then there are Trump’s kids and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who has banished Chris Christie and his henchmen (who actually know how to govern) from the kingdom. 

Trump has no constraint from conventional conflicts of interest, with his 524 industrial links in dozens of countries.  His latest rationality is that since he was elected, the people do not care about conflicts of interest.  Which is quite a pivot from frying Clinton for supposed conflicts with the Clinton charity and the foreign interests of the state department, which Trump’s followers really did care about.

Don’t forget Vice President elect Mike Pence, who is a religious conservative first, and whence sworn in, is just as permanent as the President.

Then there are the 100% Paul Ryan go along Republicans (why do they even pretend this, have they forgotten about even Ted Cruz). 

After that, there is the Supreme Court with Scalia’s replacement, and the 103 federal judgeships that were kept unfilled by the last Republican Senate.  If you fill these judgeships with extreme, poorly vetted judges, you have no idea of the judicial mayhem that will be released, far from views that are backed by the public and voters, and leaving varied judicial rulings all over the country.

Finally, there is the angry public, the students and Democrats who aren’t going to sit quietly by while their rights, races, ethnicities and religions are being trampled over.

Compared to the vast worldwide outlets, power and conspiracy of the liberal press, I have no capability, time, or desire to comment on it all.  I will confine myself to analyzing and commenting on energy and some environmental issues.  The Trump backers cannot even be reached by this media, since they automatically reject the standard media, believing in Facebook, Twitter, and Fox News sources of fact free conspiracies.

We are in for four years of a non-cancelable “you can’t even dream this stuff up” reality show, which will be really depressing.  We really should cancel all civics classes for four years, since the principles in the textbooks are only laughable now.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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