Monthly Archives: May 2018

Questions About CCAs (Community Choice Aggregators) of Clean Energy

Questions About CCAs California communities are now considering proposals to switch their electrical power to CCAs (Community Choice Aggregators) or CCEs (Community Choice Energy). The motivation is to increase the amount of renewable energy sources. The city council or government … Continue reading

Posted in California Power Mixes, California Smog, CCA Questions, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Coal, Electric Power, Fossil Fuel Energy, Green Rate Plans, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Renewable Energy, SC Edison, SDG&E, Solar Energy, Summary of Climate Topics for Southern California | Leave a comment

California 48th Congressional District Early May Polls

California 48th Congressional District Early May Polls We are ending our coastal May Gray and transiting into our June Gloom of overcast skies from clouds over the ocean. Not only our recreation, housing, jobs and businesses depend on the coast, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Offshore Oil Drilling, Politics | Leave a comment

CA 48th Fund Raising as of May 16, 2018

CA 48th Fund Raising as of May 16, 2018 We show the fund raising reported on May 16, 2018 for the remaining candidates in the heavily contested CA 48th congressional district. We then comment on the Top Two California runoff … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary | Leave a comment

When Did Trump Buy Up All NFL Teams?

When Did Trump Buy Up All NFL Teams? Trump acts as if he has bought up all NFL teams and all players contracts. NFL teams have been losing audiences, supposedly over a few players exercising their First Amendment rights to … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, NFL Protests, Purge | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s World of Witchcraft (Witch World)

Trump’s World of Witchcraft (Witch World) Trump and family seem to have a closet filled with broomsticks. That’s why their investigation is actually a witch hunt. Today, it appears that campaign aid broomsticks were found from Israel, United Arab Emirates, … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2016 Primaries, Cybersecurity | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump: The King of Pursuing Witch Hunts

Trump: The King of Pursuing Witch Hunts Everyone knows that Trump is the leader in pursuing witch hunts, and especially in starting them, all to his political advantage. We can start before his Presidential race with the birther movement of … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, Clinton, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Humor, Trump Administration, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights | Tagged | Leave a comment

Isn’t It Time for the President to Get a Science Advisor?

Isn’t It Time for the President to Get a Science Advisor? Donald Trump is about to enter into face-to-face negotiations on perhaps denuclearizing North Korea, or the Korean Peninsula. Nuclear weapons development and testing, ICBMs, nuclear reactors, and nuclear fuel … Continue reading

Posted in Department of Defense, Iran, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Science Funding, State Department, Trump Administration, US Intelligence Agencies, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

What a Fine Predicament This Is: CA 48th and the Top Two Ballot

What a Fine Predicament This Is: CA 48th and the Top Two Ballot I spent a lot of time and posts analyzing the 2016 Presidential race, partly for its bizarro arithmetic. I once pointed out that the effect of the … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, California Democratic Primary, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Governors and State Legislatures, Offshore Oil Drilling, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Has Made the Department of Defense into Climate Liars

Trump Has Made the Department of Defense into Climate Liars In a DoD report on Climate-Related Risk to DoD Infrastructure, Initial Vulnerability Assessment Survey (SLVAS) Report, drafters have removed the 23 mentions of “climate change”. This is what the report … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Coastal States, Department of Defense, Houston Flooding, Infrastructure, Military Budget, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Homage to Richard Feynman on His Hundredth Birthdate

May 11, 2018, would be the physicist Richard Feynman’s hundredth birthday.  I gave a talk to OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) on him in 2012.  I never referenced it appropriately on my list of topics.  But to pay homage to … Continue reading

Posted in Murray Gell-Mann, Particle Physics, Richard Feynman | Leave a comment