Category Archives: Education

An Inexpensive Virtual Statewide UC Campus

An Inexpensive Virtual Statewide UC Campus Now that we know that virtual college educations can work, we can face up to the serious financial problems poorer and even middle income families have sending their college students to expensive UC locations. … Continue reading

Posted in Education, UC Admissions, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA | Leave a comment

Fox and Hannity Meet the Rams, 49ers, and California Democrats

I wasn’t going to mix my football watching with my science-commentary articles, but sometimes it just falls into your lap.  I am watching the LA Rams – San Francisco 49ers on the Fox 11 network.  Then what should suddenly appear, … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Congress, Education, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Humor, Politics, Trump Truthiness | Tagged | Leave a comment

California Universities in the Times Higher Education World Rankings 2021

There are not much changes in the ratings since last year 2020, partly because they use two years of evaluation.  However, rankings even with close ratings, are probably important to leading universities, even though they don’t admit many of their … Continue reading

Posted in Education, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, University Rankings | Leave a comment

California Universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020

Thirteen California Universities are included in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2020.  We show these rankings and their main components in the table below.  We also show the top ten in the rankings, which include CalTech and … Continue reading

Posted in Education, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, University Rankings | Leave a comment

Why Can’t Favored College Students Observe Pandemic Rules?

Why Can’t Favored College Students Observe Pandemic Rules? The costs of college, and the sacrifices and costs of getting into college are immense.  This is especially true at the nation’s top schools, like Notre Dame.  The question is why can’t … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Department of Education, Education, University Funding | Tagged | Leave a comment

Pressures to Take the Coronavirus Vaccines: Safety, School, Salary, and Social

Pressures to Take the Coronavirus Vaccines:  Safety, School, Salary, and Social. Without a tested, manufactured and available vaccine yet, it is premature to estimate its public acceptance.  The core people who might be opposed to taking it is estimated at … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Education, Health Care | Leave a comment

Orange County Deserves a Representative Board of Education

Orange County Deserves a Representative Board of Education The Orange County Board of Education, packed with far right Republicans, voted 4-1 to release a report recommending that their 27 school districts start up K-12 schools immediately, without even mask wearing … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Department of Education, Education, Health Care | Leave a comment

Trump: The Unmanageable Virus Vector in Chief

Trump:  the unmanageable virus Vector in Chief. Trump backs off on deporting international college and University students without in-person classes.  Since this was enforced with no justification, it would have been blocked anyway. The White House has been unfairly criticizing … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dreamers, Education, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Infrastructure, Joe Biden, Negotiations, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Travel Ban, Trump Administration, University Funding, Wind Energy | Tagged | Leave a comment

Governments Move Fast to Protect Students

Governments Move Fast to Protect Students For Trump’s unjustified deportation threat to international students who don’t take an in-person class, 17 states and the District of Columbia have filed suit to bar this.  They represent 1,124 colleges and Universities, with … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Education | Leave a comment

The Quarantine Repercussions of In-class K-12 School Openings

The Quarantine Repercussions of In-class K-12 School Openings The quarantining period for the Coronavirus is exceptionally long, 14 days.  It also is absolute isolation, even from members of your family.  And not going into work or even grocery shopping.  Take … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Education, Health Care | Tagged | Leave a comment